Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | datetime | The time this entity was created. | |
integration_id | str | The integration ID set by your integration layer. | |
attributes | object | Arbitrary properties associated with this item. | |
account_id | int | The ID of the Talon.One account that owns this profile. | |
closed_sessions | int | The total amount of closed sessions by a customer. A closed session is a successful purchase. | |
total_sales | float | The total amount of money spent by the customer before discounts are applied. The total sales amount excludes the following: - Cancelled or reopened sessions. - Returned items. | |
loyalty_memberships | list[LoyaltyMembership] | DEPRECATED A list of loyalty programs joined by the customer. | [optional] |
audience_memberships | list[AudienceMembership] | The audiences the customer belongs to. | [optional] |
last_activity | datetime | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the Rule Engine and that are not dry requests. For example, reserving a coupon for a customer doesn't impact this field. | |
sandbox | bool | An indicator of whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the docs. | [optional] |
advocate_integration_id | str | The Integration ID of the Customer Profile that referred this Customer in the Application. | [optional] |