289 | 289 | * [46.7.4 构建信息](V. Spring Boot Actuator/46.7.4 Build information.md)
290 | 290 | * [46.7.5 编写自定义的InfoContributors](V. Spring Boot Actuator/46.7.5 Writing custom InfoContributors.md)
291 | 291 | * [47. 基于HTTP的监控和管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47. Monitoring and management over HTTP.md)
292 |
| - * [41.1. 保护敏感端点](V. Spring Boot Actuator/41.1. Securing sensitive endpoints.md) |
293 |
| - * [41.2. 自定义管理服务器的上下文路径](V. Spring Boot Actuator/41.2. Customizing the management server context path.md) |
294 |
| - * [41.3. 自定义管理服务器的端口](V. Spring Boot Actuator/41.3. Customizing the management server port.md) |
295 |
| - * [41.4. 自定义管理服务器的地址](V. Spring Boot Actuator/41.4. Customizing the management server address.md) |
296 |
| - * [41.5. 禁用HTTP端点](V. Spring Boot Actuator/41.5. Disabling HTTP endpoints.md) |
297 |
| - * [41.6. HTTP Health端点访问限制](V. Spring Boot Actuator/41.6. HTTP Health endpoint access restrictions.md) |
298 |
| - * [42. 基于JMX的监控和管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/42. Monitoring and management over JMX.md) |
299 |
| - * [42.1. 自定义MBean名称](V. Spring Boot Actuator/42.1. Customizing MBean names.md) |
300 |
| - * [42.2. 禁用JMX端点](V. Spring Boot Actuator/42.2. Disabling JMX endpoints.md) |
301 |
| - * [42.3. 使用Jolokia通过HTTP实现JMX远程管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/42.3. Using Jolokia for JMX over HTTP.md) |
302 |
| - * [42.3.1. 自定义Jolokia](V. Spring Boot Actuator/42.3.1. Customizing Jolokia.md) |
303 |
| - * [42.3.2. 禁用Jolokia](V. Spring Boot Actuator/42.3.2. Disabling Jolokia.md) |
304 |
| - * [43. 使用远程shell来进行监控和管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/43. Monitoring and management using a remote shell.md) |
305 |
| - * [43.1. 连接远程shell](V. Spring Boot Actuator/43.1. Connecting to the remote shell.md) |
306 |
| - * [43.1.1. 远程shell证书](V. Spring Boot Actuator/43.1.1. Remote shell credentials.md) |
307 |
| - * [43.2. 扩展远程shell](V. Spring Boot Actuator/43.2. Extending the remote shell.md) |
308 |
| - * [43.2.1. 远程shell命令](V. Spring Boot Actuator/43.2.1. Remote shell commands.md) |
309 |
| - * [43.2.2. 远程shell插件](V. Spring Boot Actuator/43.2.2. Remote shell plugins.md) |
310 |
| - * [44. 度量指标(Metrics)](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44. Metrics.md) |
311 |
| - * [44.1. 系统指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.1. System metrics.md) |
312 |
| - * [44.2. 数据源指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.2. DataSource metrics.md) |
313 |
| - * [44.3. Tomcat session指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.3. Tomcat session metrics.md) |
314 |
| - * [44.4. 记录自己的指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.4. Recording your own metrics.md) |
315 |
| - * [44.5. 添加你自己的公共指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.5. Adding your own public metrics.md) |
316 |
| - * [44.6. 指标仓库](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.6. Metric repositories.md) |
317 |
| - * [44.7. Dropwizard指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.7. Dropwizard Metrics.md) |
318 |
| - * [44.8. 消息渠道集成](V. Spring Boot Actuator/44.8. Message channel integration.md) |
319 |
| - * [45. 审计](V. Spring Boot Actuator/45. Auditing.md) |
320 |
| - * [46. 追踪(Tracing)](V. Spring Boot Actuator/46. Tracing.md) |
321 |
| - * [46.1. 自定义追踪](V. Spring Boot Actuator/46.1. Custom tracing.md) |
322 |
| - * [47. 进程监控](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47. Process monitoring.md) |
323 |
| - * [47.1. 扩展属性](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.1. Extend configuration.md) |
324 |
| - * [47.2. 以编程方式](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.2. Programmatically.md) |
325 |
| - * [48. 接下来阅读什么](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48. What to read next.md`) |
| 292 | + * [47.1 保护敏感端点](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.1 Securing sensitive endpoints.md) |
| 293 | + * [47.2 自定义管理端点路径](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.2 Customizing the management endpoint paths.md) |
| 294 | + * [47.3 自定义管理服务器端口](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.3 Customizing the management server port.md) |
| 295 | + * [47.4 配置管理相关的SSL](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.4 Configuring management-specific SSL.md) |
| 296 | + * [47.5 自定义管理服务器地址](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.5 Customizing the management server address.md) |
| 297 | + * [47.6 禁用HTTP端点](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.6 Disabling HTTP endpoints.md) |
| 298 | + * [47.7 HTTP health端点访问限制](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47.7 HTTP Health endpoint access restrictions.md) |
| 299 | + * [48. 基于JMX的监控和管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48. Monitoring and management over JMX.md) |
| 300 | + * [48.1 自定义MBean名称](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48.1 Customizing MBean names.md) |
| 301 | + * [48.2 禁用JMX端点](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48.2 Disabling JMX endpoints.md) |
| 302 | + * [48.3 使用Jolokia通过HTTP实现JMX远程管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48.3 Using Jolokia for JMX over HTTP.md) |
| 303 | + * [48.3.1 自定义Jolokia](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48.3.1 Customizing Jolokia.md) |
| 304 | + * [48.3.2 禁用Jolokia](V. Spring Boot Actuator/48.3.2 Disabling Jolokia.md) |
| 305 | + * [49. 使用远程shell进行监控和管理](V. Spring Boot Actuator/49. Monitoring and management using a remote shell.md) |
| 306 | + * [49.1 连接远程shell](V. Spring Boot Actuator/49.1 Connecting to the remote shell.md) |
| 307 | + * [49.1.1 远程shell证书](V. Spring Boot Actuator/49.1.1 Remote shell credentials.md) |
| 308 | + * [49.2 扩展远程shell](V. Spring Boot Actuator/49.2 Extending the remote shell.md) |
| 309 | + * [49.2.1 远程shell命令](V. Spring Boot Actuator/49.2.1 Remote shell commands.md) |
| 310 | + * [49.2.2 远程shell插件](V. Spring Boot Actuator/49.2.2 Remote shell plugins.md) |
| 311 | + * [50. 度量指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50. Metrics.md) |
| 312 | + * [50.1 系统指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.1 System metrics.md) |
| 313 | + * [50.2 数据源指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.2 DataSource metrics.md) |
| 314 | + * [50.3 缓存指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.3 Cache metrics.md) |
| 315 | + * [50.4 Tomcat session指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.4 Tomcat session metrics.md) |
| 316 | + * [50.5 记录自己的指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.5 Recording your own metrics.md) |
| 317 | + * [50.6 添加自己的公共指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.6 Adding your own public metrics.md) |
| 318 | + * [50.7 使用Java8的特性](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.7 Special features with Java 8.md) |
| 319 | + * [50.8 指标写入,导出和聚合](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.8 Metric writers, exporters and aggregation.md) |
| 320 | + * [50.8.1 示例: 导出到Redis](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.8.1 Export to Redis.md) |
| 321 | + * [50.8.2 示例: 导出到Open TSDB](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.8.2 Export to Open TSDB.md) |
| 322 | + * [50.8.3 示例: 导出到Statsd](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.8.3 Export to Statsd.md) |
| 323 | + * [50.8.4 示例: 导出到JMX](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.8.4 Export to JMX.md) |
| 324 | + * [50.9 聚合多个来源的指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.9 Aggregating metrics from multiple sources.md) |
| 325 | + * [50.10 Dropwizard指标](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.10 Dropwizard Metrics.md) |
| 326 | + * [50.11 消息渠道集成](V. Spring Boot Actuator/50.11 Message channel integration.md) |
| 327 | + * [51. 审计](V. Spring Boot Actuator/51. Auditing.md) |
| 328 | + * [52. 追踪](V. Spring Boot Actuator/52. Tracing.md) |
| 329 | + * [52.1 自定义追踪](V. Spring Boot Actuator/52.1 Custom tracing.md) |
| 330 | + * [53. 进程监控](V. Spring Boot Actuator/47. Process monitoring.md) |
| 331 | + * [53.1 扩展配置](V. Spring Boot Actuator/53.1 Extend configuration.md) |
| 332 | + * [53.2 以编程方式](V. Spring Boot Actuator/53.2 Programmatically.md) |
| 333 | + * [54. 接下来阅读什么](V. Spring Boot Actuator/54. What to read next.md) |
326 | 334 | * [VI. 部署到云端](VI. Deploying to the cloud/README.md)
327 | 335 | * [49. Cloud Foundry](VI. Deploying to the cloud/49. Cloud Foundry.md)
328 | 336 | * [49.1. 绑定服务](VI. Deploying to the cloud/49.1. Binding to services.md)
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