332 | 332 | * [53.2 以编程方式](V. Spring Boot Actuator/53.2 Programmatically.md)
333 | 333 | * [54. 接下来阅读什么](V. Spring Boot Actuator/54. What to read next.md)
334 | 334 | * [VI. 部署到云端](VI. Deploying to the cloud/README.md)
335 |
| - * [49. Cloud Foundry](VI. Deploying to the cloud/49. Cloud Foundry.md) |
336 |
| - * [49.1. 绑定服务](VI. Deploying to the cloud/49.1. Binding to services.md) |
337 |
| - * [50. Heroku](VI. Deploying to the cloud/50. Heroku.md) |
338 |
| - * [51. Openshift](VI. Deploying to the cloud/51. Openshift.md) |
339 |
| - * [52. Google App Engine](VI. Deploying to the cloud/52. Google App Engine.md) |
340 |
| - * [53. 接下来阅读什么](VI. Deploying to the cloud/53. What to read next.md) |
| 335 | + * [55. 部署到云端](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55. Deploying to the cloud.md) |
| 336 | + * [55.1 Cloud Foundry](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55.1 Cloud Foundry.md) |
| 337 | + * [55.1.1 绑定服务](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55.1.1 Binding to services.md) |
| 338 | + * [55.2 Heroku](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55.2 Heroku.md) |
| 339 | + * [55.3 Openshift](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55.3 Openshift.md) |
| 340 | + * [55.4 Boxfuse和Amazon Web Services](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55.4 Boxfuse and Amazon Web Services.md) |
| 341 | + * [55.5 Google App Engine](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/55.5 Google App Engine.md) |
| 342 | + * [56. 安装Spring Boot应用](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/56. Installing Spring Boot applications.md) |
| 343 | + * [56.1 Unix/Linux服务](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/56.1 Unix&Linux services.md) |
| 344 | + * [56.1.1 安装为init.d服务(System V)](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/56.1.1 Installation as an init.d service (System V).md) |
| 345 | + * [56.1.2 安装为Systemd服务](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/56.1.2 Installation as a systemd service.md) |
| 346 | + * [56.1.3 自定义启动脚本](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/56.1.3 Customizing the startup script.md) |
| 347 | + * [56.2 Microsoft Windows服务](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/56.2 Microsoft Windows services.md) |
| 348 | + * [57. 接下来阅读什么](VI. Deploying Spring Boot applications/57. What to read next.md) |
341 | 349 | * [VII. Spring Boot CLI](VII. Spring Boot CLI/README.md)
342 |
| - * [54. 安装CLI](VII. Spring Boot CLI/54. Installing the CLI.md) |
343 |
| - * [55. 使用CLI](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55. Using the CLI.md) |
344 |
| - * [55.1. 使用CLI运行应用](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.1. Running applications using the CLI.md) |
345 |
| - * [55.1.1. 推断"grab"依赖](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.1.1. Deduced “grab” dependencies.md) |
346 |
| - * [55.1.2. 推断"grab"坐标](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.1.2. Deduced “grab” coordinates.md) |
347 |
| - * [55.1.3. 默认import语句](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.1.3. Default import statements.md) |
348 |
| - * [55.1.4. 自动创建main方法](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.1.4. Automatic main method.md) |
349 |
| - * [55.1.5. 自定义"grab"元数据](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.1.5. Custom “grab” metadata.md) |
350 |
| - * [55.2. 测试你的代码](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.2. Testing your code.md) |
351 |
| - * [55.3. 多源文件应用](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.3. Applications with multiple source files.md) |
352 |
| - * [55.4. 应用打包](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.4. Packaging your application.md) |
353 |
| - * [55.5. 初始化新工程](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.5. Initialize a new project.md) |
354 |
| - * [55.6. 使用内嵌shell](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.6. Using the embedded shell.md) |
355 |
| - * [55.7. 为CLI添加扩展](VII. Spring Boot CLI/55.7. Adding extensions to the CLI.md) |
356 |
| - * [56. 使用Groovy beans DSL开发应用](VII. Spring Boot CLI/56. Developing application with the Groovy beans DSL.md) |
357 |
| - * [57. 接下来阅读什么](VII. Spring Boot CLI/57. What to read next.md) |
| 350 | + * [58. 安装CLI](VII. Spring Boot CLI/58. Installing the CLI.md) |
| 351 | + * [59. 使用CLI](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59. Using the CLI.md) |
| 352 | + * [59.1 使用CLI运行应用](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.1. Running applications using the CLI.md) |
| 353 | + * [59.1.1 推断"grab"依赖](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.1.1 Deduced “grab” dependencies.md) |
| 354 | + * [59.1.2 推断"grab"坐标](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.1.2 Deduced “grab” coordinates.md) |
| 355 | + * [59.1.3 默认import语句](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.1.3 Default import statements.md) |
| 356 | + * [59.1.4 自动创建main方法](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.1.4 Automatic main method.md) |
| 357 | + * [59.1.5 自定义依赖管理](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.1.5 Custom dependency management.md) |
| 358 | + * [59.2 测试你的代码](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.2 Testing your code.md) |
| 359 | + * [59.3 多源文件应用](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.3 Applications with multiple source files.md) |
| 360 | + * [59.4 应用打包](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.4 Packaging your application.md) |
| 361 | + * [59.5 初始化新工程](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.5 Initialize a new project.md) |
| 362 | + * [59.6 使用内嵌shell](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.6 Using the embedded shell.md) |
| 363 | + * [59.7 为CLI添加扩展](VII. Spring Boot CLI/59.7 Adding extensions to the CLI.md) |
| 364 | + * [60. 使用Groovy beans DSL开发应用](VII. Spring Boot CLI/60. Developing application with the Groovy beans DSL.md) |
| 365 | + * [61. 使用settings.xml配置CLI](VII. Spring Boot CLI/61. Configuring the CLI with settings.xml.md) |
| 366 | + * [62. 接下来阅读什么](VII. Spring Boot CLI/62. What to read next.md) |
358 | 367 | * [VIII. 构建工具插件](VIII. Build tool plugins/README.md)
359 | 368 | * [58. Spring Boot Maven插件](VIII. Build tool plugins/58. Spring Boot Maven plugin.md)
360 | 369 | * [58.1. 包含该插件](VIII. Build tool plugins/58.1. Including the plugin.md)
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