Please see "Trouble Shooting" page before you open a bug or issue: Lhttps://github.com/phpbrew/phpbrew/wiki/Troubleshooting.
If you encountered some installation issue, please also attach your build log file (build.log) to improve the diagnosis process. for example:
$ phpbrew ext install pdo_dblib ===> Installing pdo_dblib extension... Log stored at: /home/user/.phpbrew/build/php-5.4.39/ext/pdo_dblib/build.log
If the error message is not clear enough, you may add an extra option
after the program name in the command line, e.g.,$ phpbrew --debug ext install ... $ phpbrew --debug install ...
Before you send the pull request, please rebase & squash your commits. See this guide for details: https://git-scm.com/book/zh-tw/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History
If the PR is for the releasing version, please use the following steps to create related PR:
- Ensuring the extra branch-alias setting is matched for releasing version in the composer.json.
- Editing the src/PhpBrew/Console.php to modify the VERSION variable.
- Using the
make sign
command to create the Phar file and make the GPG sign with local GPG key.