SIG Storage is responsible for ensuring that different types of file and block storage (whether ephemeral or persistent, local or remote) are available wherever a container is scheduled (including provisioning/creating, attaching, mounting, unmounting, detaching, and deleting of volumes), storage capacity management (container ephemeral storage usage, volume resizing, etc.), influencing scheduling of containers based on storage (data gravity, availability, etc.), and generic operations on storage (snapshoting, etc.).
The charter defines the scope and governance of the Storage Special Interest Group.
Joining the mailing list for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.
- Regular CSI Implementation Meeting: Mondays at 10:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Regular SIG Issue Triage Meeting: Wednesdays at 10:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Regular SIG Meeting: Thursdays at 9:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
The Chairs of the SIG run operations and processes governing the SIG.
- Saad Ali (@saad-ali), Google
- Xing Yang (@xing-yang), VMware
The Technical Leads of the SIG establish new subprojects, decommission existing subprojects, and resolve cross-subproject technical issues and decisions.
- Bradley Childs (@childsb)
- Slack: #sig-storage
- Mailing list
- Open Community Issues/PRs
- GitHub Teams:
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-api-reviews - API Changes and Reviews
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-bugs - Bug Triage and Troubleshooting
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-feature-requests - Feature Requests
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-misc - General Discussion
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-pr-reviews - PR Reviews
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-proposals - Design Proposals
- @kubernetes/sig-storage-test-failures - Test Failures and Triage
- Steering Committee Liaison: Paco Xu 徐俊杰 (@pacoxu)
The following working groups are sponsored by sig-storage:
The following subprojects are owned by sig-storage:
- Owners:
- Owners:
- Owners:
- Owners:
- Contact:
- Slack: #sig-storage-cosi
- Owners:
- kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-host-path
- kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-iscsi
- kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-nfs
- kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-nvmf
- kubernetes-csi/csi-driver-smb
- kubernetes-csi/csi-lib-iscsi
- kubernetes-csi/csi-lib-utils
- kubernetes-csi/csi-proxy
- kubernetes-csi/csi-release-tools
- kubernetes-csi/csi-test
- kubernetes-csi/docs
- kubernetes-csi/external-attacher
- kubernetes-csi/external-health-monitor
- kubernetes-csi/external-provisioner
- kubernetes-csi/external-resizer
- kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter
- kubernetes-csi/
- kubernetes-csi/livenessprobe
- kubernetes-csi/node-driver-registrar
- kubernetes/csi-translation-lib
- kubernetes/kubernetes/staging/src/
- Owners:
- Owners:
The Kubernetes Storage Special-Interest-Group (SIG) is a working group within the Kubernetes contributor community interested in storage and volume plugins.
We hold a public meeting every two weeks, on Thursdays at 9 AM (PT).
- Agenda and any notes from each meeting are captured in this document.
- Copy the meeting invite from the Shared SIG Storage Calendar.
- Recordings of past meetings:
Interested in contributing to storage features in Kubernetes? Please read our guide for new contributors
- Public Slack Channel:
- Get invite to join here:
- Our channel is
- Github Issues
- Documentation for currently supported volume plugins:
- Code