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feat: add search kernels method to nodejs client (#6082) #1355

feat: add search kernels method to nodejs client (#6082)

feat: add search kernels method to nodejs client (#6082) #1355

This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion. Learn more about checks retention
GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed Jan 19, 2024 in 0s

36 tests run, 27 passed, 0 skipped, 9 failed.


Check failure on line 1 in feature:8:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:8:3.Scenario: Simple reorg to stronger chain: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:8:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18612 never started
Raw output
Scenario: Simple reorg to stronger chain
     Given I have a seed node SEED_B
     When I have a base node B connected to seed SEED_B
     When I have wallet WB connected to base node B
     When I have mining node BM connected to base node B and wallet WB
     When mining node BM mines 3 blocks with min difficulty 1 and max difficulty 50
     Given I have a seed node SEED_C
     When I have a base node C connected to seed SEED_C
     When I have wallet WC connected to base node C
     When I have mining node CM connected to base node C and wallet WC
     When mining node CM mines 10 blocks with min difficulty 51 and max difficulty 9999999999
     Then node B is at height 3
     Then node C is at height 10
     When I have a base node SA connected to nodes B,C
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/Reorgs.feature:26:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18612 never started
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {
              "BM": MinerProcess {
                  name: "BM",
                  base_node_name: "B",
                  wallet_name: "WB",
                  mine_until_height: 100000,
              "CM": MinerProcess {
                  name: "CM",
                  base_node_name: "C",
                  wallet_name: "WC",
                  mine_until_height: 100000,
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
              "WB": "B",
              "WC": "C",
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:410:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:410:3.Scenario: Create burn transaction: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:410:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18486 never started
Raw output
Scenario: Create burn transaction
     Given I have a seed node NODE
     When I have 2 base nodes connected to all seed nodes
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:412:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18486 never started
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:410:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:410:3.Scenario: Create burn transaction: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:410:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_A failed to detect tx with tx_id = 15039123160667216242 to be Mined_Confirmed, current status is MinedUnconfirmed
Raw output
Scenario: Create burn transaction | Retry attempt: 1/2
     Given I have a seed node NODE
     When I have 2 base nodes connected to all seed nodes
     When I have wallet WALLET_A connected to all seed nodes
     When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to all seed nodes
     When I have mining node MINER_A connected to base node NODE and wallet WALLET_A
     When I have mining node MINER_B connected to base node NODE and wallet WALLET_B
     When mining node MINER_A mines 12 blocks
     When mining node MINER_B mines 3 blocks
     Then all nodes are at height 15
     When I wait for wallet WALLET_A to have at least 221552530060 uT
     When I create a burn transaction of 201552500000 uT from WALLET_A at fee 100
     When mining node MINER_B mines 5 blocks
     Then all nodes are at height 20
     Then wallet WALLET_A detects all transactions as Mined_Confirmed
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:424:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_A failed to detect tx with tx_id = 15039123160667216242 to be Mined_Confirmed, current status is MinedUnconfirmed
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {
              "MINER_A": MinerProcess {
                  name: "MINER_A",
                  base_node_name: "NODE",
                  wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
                  mine_until_height: 100000,
              "MINER_B": MinerProcess {
                  name: "MINER_B",
                  base_node_name: "NODE",
                  wallet_name: "WALLET_B",
                  mine_until_height: 100000,
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
              "WALLET_A": "NODE",
              "WALLET_B": "NODE",
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:410:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:410:3.Scenario: Create burn transaction: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:410:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18088 never started
Raw output
Scenario: Create burn transaction | Retry attempt: 2/2
     Given I have a seed node NODE
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/WalletTransactions.feature:411:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18088 never started
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:9:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:9:3.Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18236 never started
Raw output
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node
     Given I have a seed node SEED_A
     When I have a seed node SEED_B
     When I have a base node NODE_A connected to all seed nodes
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:12:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Service on port 18236 never started
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:9:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:9:3.Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:9:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
Raw output
Scenario: As a wallet send to a wallet connected to a different base node | Retry attempt: 1/2
     Given I have a seed node SEED_A
     When I have a seed node SEED_B
     When I have a base node NODE_A connected to all seed nodes
     When I have a base node NODE_B connected to all seed nodes
     When I have wallet WALLET_A with 10T connected to base node NODE_A
     When I have wallet WALLET_B connected to base node NODE_B
     When I wait 5 seconds
     When I transfer 5T from WALLET_A to WALLET_B
     When I mine 4 blocks on SEED_A
     Then wallet WALLET_A has 5T
     When I wait 5 seconds
     When wallet WALLET_B has 5T
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/WalletTransfer.feature:21:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Wallet WALLET_B failed to have at least 5T, it ended with 0T
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {
              "temp_miner": MinerProcess {
                  name: "temp_miner",
                  base_node_name: "NODE_A",
                  wallet_name: "WALLET_A",
                  mine_until_height: 100000,
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {
              "WALLET_A": "NODE_A",
              "WALLET_B": "NODE_B",
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {
              "4c86f93c1252cb0744de36d2df80b33d16262a0b72b5f6560fa91c9ac8732849e1": [
              "4203dc0fe62c38cb3bcf82a1c5cf09f22af6b1d90c547939bb424665e5ee365607": [
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:14:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:14:3.Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:14:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Contact d9b6e1ca423b571291f2c3db4f never came online, status is: NeverSeen
Raw output
Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients
     Given I have a seed node SEED_A
     When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_A connected to seed node SEED_A
     When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_B connected to seed node SEED_A
     When CHAT_A adds CHAT_B as a contact
     When CHAT_B adds CHAT_A as a contact
     When CHAT_A waits for contact CHAT_B to be online
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:20:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Contact d9b6e1ca423b571291f2c3db4f never came online, status is: NeverSeen
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:14:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:14:3.Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:14:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Contact 7fba16a72d3312f6de4e24dde7 never came online, status is: NeverSeen
Raw output
Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients | Retry attempt: 1/2
     Given I have a seed node SEED_A
     When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_A connected to seed node SEED_A
     When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_B connected to seed node SEED_A
     When CHAT_A adds CHAT_B as a contact
     When CHAT_B adds CHAT_A as a contact
     When CHAT_A waits for contact CHAT_B to be online
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:20:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Contact 7fba16a72d3312f6de4e24dde7 never came online, status is: NeverSeen
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,

Check failure on line 1 in feature:14:3

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report

feature:14:3.Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:14:3

Step panicked. Captured output: Contact 6812c2dc5d155e268eb417d10c never came online, status is: NeverSeen
Raw output
Scenario: A message is sent directly between two FFI clients | Retry attempt: 2/2
     Given I have a seed node SEED_A
     When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_A connected to seed node SEED_A
     When I have a chat FFI client CHAT_B connected to seed node SEED_A
     When CHAT_A adds CHAT_B as a contact
     When CHAT_B adds CHAT_A as a contact
     When CHAT_A waits for contact CHAT_B to be online
      Step failed:
      Defined: tests/features/ChatFFI.feature:20:5
      Matched: integration_tests/tests/steps/
      Step panicked. Captured output: Contact 6812c2dc5d155e268eb417d10c never came online, status is: NeverSeen
      Client {
          base_nodes: {},
          blocks: {},
          miners: {},
          ffi_wallets: {},
          wallets: {},
          merge_mining_proxies: {},
          transactions: {},
          wallet_addresses: {},
          utxos: {},
          output_hash: None,
          pre_image: None,
          wallet_connected_to_base_node: {},
          seed_nodes: [
          wallet_tx_ids: {},
          errors: [],
          last_imported_tx_ids: [],
          last_merge_miner_response: Null,