A simple logger to track issues in an IT department. Can have multiple technicians, and issues.
- react 16.13.1
- redux 4.0.5
- react-redux 7.2.0
- redux-thunk 2.3.0
- redux-devtools-extension 2.13.8
- materialize-css 1.0.0
- Can keep track of multiple issues across different workstations.
- Search functionality makes it easy to lookup a specific active, or resolved issue.
- Multiple technitians can be added.
- Technicians automatically appear in dropdown to easily assign them to an issue once added.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/tarricsookdeo/it-logger.git
- CD into project directiory
cd it-logger
- Install npm packaged by running
npm install
- Run
npm run dev
to launch react server along with json-server. By default the react server launches on port 3000 athttp://localhost:3000/
and json-server launches onhttp://localhost:5000/
- (optional) The project uses the redux dev tools in the google chrome extenstions store.
When the app is first loaded you will be greeted with this screen:
Hover over the blue add button on the right hand bottom of the screen, and a green and red button will also appear.