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File metadata and controls

434 lines (320 loc) · 11.8 KB

Tarsana Syntax

Build Status Coverage Status SensioLabsInsight Software License

A tool to encode and decode strings based on flexible and composable syntax definitions.

Table of Contents

Quick Example

Warning: This is just a teaser so if the code seems confusing don't worry, you will understand it after reading the Step by Step Guide.

Let's assume that you have the following text representing a list of developers where each line follow the syntax:

first-name last-name [number-of-followers] [repo-name:stars,repo-name:stars,...]
Tammy Flores  257 library:98,fast-remote:5,anyway:987
Rebecca Welch forever:76,oops:0
Walter Phillips 423

Syntax helps you to parse this document and convert it to manipulable objects easily.

Let's do it:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

// a repo is an object having a name (string) and stars (number), separated by ':'
$repo = "{name: string, stars:number}";
// a line consists of a first and last names, optional number of followers, and repos, separated by space. The repos are separated by ","
$line = "{first_name, last_name, followers: (number: 0), repos: ([{$repo}]:[]) | }";
// a document is a list of lines separated by PHP_EOL
$document = "[{$line}|".PHP_EOL."]";

// Now we make the syntax object
$documentSyntax = S::syntax()->parse($document);

// Then we can use the defined syntax to parse the document:
$developers = $documentSyntax->parse(trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/files/devs.txt')));

$developers will contain the following:

    "first_name": "Tammy",
    "last_name": "Flores",
    "followers": 257,
    "repos": [
        "name": "library",
        "stars": 98
        "name": "fast-remote",
        "stars": 5
        "name": "anyway",
        "stars": 987
    "first_name": "Rebecca",
    "last_name": "Welch",
    "followers": "",
    "repos": [
        "name": "forever",
        "stars": 76
        "name": "oops",
        "stars": 0
    "first_name": "Walter",
    "last_name": "Phillips",
    "followers": 423,
    "repos": ""

You modified $developers and want to save it back to the document following the same syntax ? You can do it:

// ... manipulating $developers

file_put_contents('path/to/file', $documentSyntax->dump($developers));


Install it using composer

composer require tarsana/syntax

Step by Step Guide

The class Tarsana\Syntax\Factory provides useful static methods to create syntaxes. In this guide, we will start with the basics then show how to use SyntaxSyntax to do things faster.

Parsing and Dumping Strings

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$string = S::string(); // instance of Tarsana\Syntax\StringSyntax

$string->parse('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
//=> 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'

//  Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\ParseException: Error while parsing '' as String at character 0: String should not be empty

$string->dump('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
//=> 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
//=> ''

Parsing and Dumping Numbers

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$number = S::number(); // instance of Tarsana\Syntax\NumberSyntax

$number->parse('58.9'); //=> 58.9

//  Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\ParseException: Error while parsing 'Lorem' as Number at character 0: Not a numeric value

Parsing and Dumping Booleans

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$boolean = S::boolean(); // instance of Tarsana\Syntax\BooleanSyntax

$boolean->parse('true'); //=> true
$boolean->parse('yes'); //=> true
$boolean->parse('y'); //=> true
$boolean->parse('TrUe'); //=> true (case insensitive)
$boolean->parse('false'); //=> false
$boolean->parse('no'); //=> false
$boolean->parse('N'); //=> false

// Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\ParseException: Error while parsing 'Lorem' as Boolean at character 0: Boolean value should be one of "yes", "no", "y", "n", "true", "false"

$boolean->dump(true); //=> 'true'
$boolean->dump(false); //=> 'false'

// Tarsana\Syntax\Exceptions\DumpException: Error while dumping some input as Boolean: Not a boolean

Parsing and Dumping Arrays

Tarsana\Syntax\ArraySyntax represents an array of elements having the same syntax and separated by the same string. So an ArraySyntax is constructed using a Syntax (could be NumberSyntax, StringSyntax or any other) and a separator.

  • if the Syntax argument is missing, an instance of StringSyntax is used by default.

  • if the separator argument is missing, ',' is used by default.

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$strings = S::array();

//=> ['aa:bb','cc','ss,089','true']
// Note that we can use "..." to escape the separator

//=> 'aa,"bb,cc",76'
// Yeah, it's smart enough to auto-escape items containing the separator

$vector = S::array(S::number());

//=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

$matrix = S::array($vector, PHP_EOL);

//=> [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 100] ]

Parsing and Dumping Optional Syntaxes

Tarsana\Syntax\Optional represents an optional syntax. Given a syntax and a static default value; it will try to parse inputs using the syntax and return the default value when in case of failure.

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$optionalNumber = S::optional(S::number(), 10);

$optionalNumber->parse(15); //=> 15
$optionalNumber->success(); //=> true

$optionalNumber->parse('Yo'); //=> 10 (the default value)
$optionalNumber->success(); //=> false

Parsing and Dumping Objects

Tarsana\Syntax\ObjectSyntax represents an object in which every field can have its own syntax. It's defined by providing an associative array of fields and a separator (if missing, the separator by default is ':').

use Tarsana\Syntax\Factory as S;

$repository = S::object([
    'name' => S::string(),
    'is_private' => S::optional(S::boolean(), false),
    'forks' => S::optional(S::number(), 0),
    'stars' => S::optional(S::number(), 0)

// an stdClass as below
// {
//  name: 'tarsana/syntax',
//  is_private: false,
//  forks: 0,
//  stars: 0
// }

// {
//  name: 'tarsana/syntax',
//  is_private: false,
//  forks: 5,
//  stars: 0
// }

// {
//  name: 'tarsana/syntax',
//  is_private: true,
//  forks: 7,
//  stars: 0
// }

$data = (object) [
    'name' => 'foo/bar',
    'is_private' => false,
    'forks' => 9,
    'stars' => 3

// 'foo/bar:false:9:3'

$developer = S::object([
    'name' => S::string(),
    'followers' => S::optional(S::number(), 0),
    'repositories' => S::optional(S::array($repository), [])
], ' ');

// {
//  name: 'Amine',
//  followers: 0,
//  repositories: []
// }

$developer->parse('Amine tarsana/syntax,webNeat/lumen-generators:16:57');
// {
//  name: 'Amine',
//  followers: 0,
//  repositories: [
//      { name: 'tarsana/syntax', is_private: false, forks: 0, stars: 0 },
//      { name: 'webNeat/lumen-generators', is_private: false, forks: 16, stars: 57 }
//  ]
// }

Parsing and Dumping Syntaxes

Now you know how to parse and dump basic types : string, boolean, number, array, optional and object. But you may notice that writing code for complex syntaxes (object including arrays including objects ...) requires many complex lines of code. SyntaxSyntax was introduced to solve this issue. As the name shows, it's a Syntax that parses and dumps syntaxes, a meta syntax!

So instead of writing this:

$personSyntax = S::object([
  'name' => S::string(),
   'age' => S::number(),
   'vip' => S::boolean(),
  'friends' => S::array()

You simply write this

$personSyntax = S::syntax()->parse('{name, age:number, vip:boolean, friends:[]}');


  • S::string() is string.
  • S::number() is number.
  • S::boolean() is boolean.
  • S::syntax() is syntax.
  • S::optional($type, $default) is (type:default) where type is the string corresponding to $type and default is json_encode($default).
  • S::array($type, $separator) is [type|separator] wheretype is the string corresponding to $type and separator is the same as $separator. If the separator is omitted (ie. [type]); the default value is ,. t)`.
  • S::object(['name1' => $type1, 'name2' => $type2], $separator) is {name1:type1, name2:type2 |separator] . If the separator is missing the default value is :.


// '{name: string, age: number}'
  'name' => S::string(),
   'age' => S::number()

// '{position: {x: number, y: number |"|"}, width:number, height:number}'
  'position' => S::object([
    'x' => S::number(),
    'y' => S::number()
  ], '|'),
   'width' => S::number(),
  'height' => S::number()

// '{name, stars:number, contributers: [{name, email|-}]}'
  'name'  => S::string(),
  'stars' => S::number(),
  'contributers' => S::array(S::object([
    'name'  => S::string(),
    'email' => S::string()
  ], '-'))

Development Notes & Next Steps

  • version 2.1.0

    • syntax added to the string representation of a syntax and corresponds to the S::syntax() instance.
  • version 2.0.0

    • Separators and default values can be specified when creating syntax from string.
    • Escaping separators is now possible.
    • OptionalSyntax added.
    • Attributes default and description removed from Syntax class.
    • Upgraded to PHPUnit 6 and PHP 7.
    • No dependencies.
    • Detailed Exceptions with position of errors.
    • Better Factory methods.
  • version 1.2.1:

    • tarsana/functional dependency updated

    • couple of bug fixes

  • version 1.2.0:

    • SyntaxSyntax added.

    • separator and itemSyntax getters and setters added to ArraySyntax.

    • separator and fields getters and setters added to ObjectSyntax.

  • version 1.1.0:

    • description attribut added to Syntax to hold additional details.
  • version 1.0.1:

    • Tests coverage is now 100%

    • Some small bugs of ArraySyntax and ObjectSyntax fixed.

  • version 1.0.0: String, Number, Boolean, Array and Object syntaxes.


Please take a look at the code and see how other syntax classes are done and tested before fixing or creating a syntax. All feedbacks and pull requests are welcome :D