This is a visualization of the citation relationships of the papers registered in Paperpile. It is a graph network where nodes are papers and edges are citation relations.
- Published
- Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPad OS
- Google Chrome
Export json from Paperpile.
Paperpile -> Settings -> Export -> Export to JSON -
Access to Citation Viewer and Upload JSON file
Since all the processing is done on the your client PC, your JSON file and personal information will not be sent to the server at all.
- Each node represents a paper registered in your Paperpile, and the edges represent citation relationships. If the arrow head is A -> B, it means that the paper A refers to the paper B. If the arrow head is A -> B, it means that the paper A refers to the paper B.
- The size of the circle expresses the impact factor. Strictly speaking, it is proportional to the number of citations. It does not depend on the papers you have in Paperpile, but on the metadata you get from crossref.
- 'Fetch Success' indicates that the meta information was successfully retrieved from the DOI information registered in Paperpile.
- 'DOI not in paperpile' indicates that the DOI information was not registered in the paperpile, so the meta-information was obtained by identifying the DOI from the title.
- 'Cannot Find DOI' indicates that the DOI is not registered in the paperpile and the DOI could not be identified from the title.
- By supplementing the DOI and title information, you will have a better network.
- If you find a bug or have a feature you would like to see added, please submit an Issue. We also accept pull requests.
git clone
npm install
npm run start
- Visualize the tag information in Paperpile
- A system that does not require json uploads in conjunction with Paperpile
- Grouping Function
- Add notes and save network
Your donation will encourage the development of the application. Amazon Gift Cards are accepted from ¥15.