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File metadata and controls

262 lines (187 loc) · 7.42 KB


One of the best features of diffHTML is the parser. This drives the compiling of declarative markup and supports a variety of syntaxes. You can make compound documents that are comprised of HTML, SVG, or XML. The result is a VTree which makes it equivalent to the createTree function.

Usually production code does not run the parser. You will pre-compile your markup using the Babel transform that also conveniently uses the same parser to ensure parity.

The built in parser can read full HTML documents including comments, doctype, html/head/body/title page tags, multiple unwrapped top-level root elements, and has support for optional tags. It even supports nested markup within attributes, such as srcdoc="" in <iframe/>.

While the parser works for most use cases out-of-the-box, you may want to use something else. The parser is overrideable and allows for any string-based input, so long as it returns a DOM-like structure.

Using with innerHTML:

import { innerHTML } from 'diffhtml';

// Using innerHTML will parse the HTML markup from a string literal.
innerHTML(document.body, '<div>Hello world</div>');

This produces a single top level element <div/> with a nested #text node.

If you were to structure your code like this:

import { innerHTML } from 'diffhtml';

// Using innerHTML will parse the HTML markup from a string literal.
innerHTML(document.body, '<div>Hello world</div>');

This would become:

import { createTree } from 'diffhtml';

innerHTML(document.body, createTree('div', null, [
  createTree('#text', 'Hello world')

You'll notice the top-level element returned is 'div'. From there you may think:

import { innerHTML } from 'diffhtml';

// Using innerHTML will parse the HTML markup from a string literal.
innerHTML(document.body, `
  <div>Hello world</div>

Would produce similar behavior, but it does not. The returned value mirrors what is embedded precisely, becoming:

import { createTree } from 'diffhtml';

innerHTML(document.body, createTree('#document-fragment', [
  createTree('#text', '\n'),
  createTree('div', null, [createTree('#text', 'Hello world')]),
  createTree('#text', '\n'),

This can be useful knowledge for optimizing, but for more applications it should be fine to keep them in for developer convenience.

Using with outerHTML:

import { outerHTML } from 'diffhtml';

// Using outerHTML will parse the HTML markup and apply around the element.
outerHTML(document.body, `
  <body>Hello world</body>

Using with html:

import { html } from 'diffhtml';

// The tagged template will parse HTML in the same way, and also handle
// dynamic values directly.
  <div>Hello world</div>

Using directly from Internals:

import { Internals } from 'diffhtml';

// This is the raw parse function which allows you to map dynamic values
// to either a TAG, ATTRIBUTE, or CHILD. You can find more information
// about this in the dynamic values section below.
  <div>Hello world</div>

The parser is somewhat configurable, allowing you to change the list of self closing items. This could be useful to pair with the HTML Linter Middleware.

  • rawElements - Modify the list of elements that have text values instead of markup
  • voidElements - Modify the list of elements that can self close

A list of elements that have their contents treated as raw text, rather than parsed as HTML. You can provide your own list of element names to allow this feature.

Examples of these kinds of elements are: <pre>, <code>, <script>, <style>

A list of elements that are allowed to self close. You can provide your own list of element names to allow this feature.

Examples of these kinds of elements are: <meta/>, <hr/>, <img/>

The parser is a simple function that takes in a string and returns a VTree or DOM-like object structure. This function can be changed by mutating the Internals object.

import { Internals } from 'diffhtml';

Internals.parse = input => {
  // Convert the input into a tree-like structure following the VTree format
  return {
    rawNodeName: 'div', // this can be any JS value, represents the tag / component
    nodeName: 'div', // must be string, represents the DOM value
    nodeValue: '', // for comments and text nodes, represents the actual value of the node
    key: '', // used to identify a node when doing keyed renders
    attributes: {}, // key val of attributes or props
    childNodes: [], // children of this node

An alternative parser is readily available that is authored in Rust and compiled to WASM. You can install this with:

npm install diffhtml-rust-parser --save

To use, simply import and attach to the Internals.parse as described in the section above. For example:

import { Internals, innerHTML, html } from 'diffhtml';
import { parse } from 'diffhtml-rust-parser';

// Use the rust parser
Internals.parse = parse;

// Now the html`` tagged template will be parsed using WASM
innerHTML(document.body, html`
  <div>Parsed with TL using WASM</div>

// Simple HTML strings are also automatically parsed using WASM now
innerHTML(document.body, '<div>Also parsed with WASM</div>');

The parser allows you to use dynamic values for many different parts of the HTML syntax. This is primarily used with tagged template literals to support the passing of objects and other JavaScript types.

You can put dynamic values in either: tag, attribute, or children locations. This makes it incredibly easy to compose dynamic template-driven UIs from your JavaScript view layer.


When parsing diffHTML will create a "Supplemental" object, which contains the keys: tags, attributes, children. This denotes the position in which the value was located. The template is rewritten with the unique keys and then are applied once the tree has been created.

In order to indicate that a given position should be swapped with a dynamic value simply use the syntax: __DIFFHTML__TOKEN__. Where the TOKEN value is an arbitrary string value that will correlate to a value provided to the parser. Every token must be completely unique. You cannot guarantee that the parser won't try to determine automatically what type the token belongs to. If a value is not found for the token, it will be left in your source.

An example setting each type of injection:

import { Internals, innerHTML } from 'diffhtml';

const vTree = Internals.parse(`
  <__DIFFHTML__TOKEN_0__ style=__DIFFHTML__TOKEN_1__>__DIFFHTML__TOKEN_2__</div>
`, {
  tags: {
    'TOKEN_0': 'div',
  attributes: {
    'TOKEN_1': { fontWeight: 'bold' },
  children: {
    'TOKEN_2': 'Custom style object',

innerHTML(document.body, vTree);