- New User Interface for the whole project
- Removed BOSH connections and introduce pure XMPP TLS connections
- Full real-time + daemon
- New Blog engine and custom CSS support
- New post publication system + attachements supported (upload and embed links)
- Fully responsive design UI based on Material Design
- Huge code cleanup and refactoring
- Updated i18n system and new languages
- New eventing system
- New administration panel
- New dedicated chat page and emojis support
- New project icon and favicon
- New implementation for the Groups feature
- New Roster based on Angular
- Refactor the Contact management system and add a gallery on the profiles
- New universal-share bookmarklet
- CSS animations and mobile integration (FirefoxOS and Android)
- Internet Explorer 11 support
- PHP7 Support
- Add charts in the Statistics
- Add a Caps support table
- Fix some Jingle issues
- New Mud actions to create/update the database and change the administration configuration
- New InitAccount widget to create persistent PEP node on the first login
- Clean the Feed widget
- Fix various CSS bugs + fix mobile UI
- Add title attribute to some truncated texts
- Add a new fancy login system
- Show the status in the Roster
- Optimize the Presence handling
- Improve the MUC presence handling
- Improve the posts CSS
- Add a fancy XEP visualisator
- Refactor the whole Movim sourcecode + clean old code
- Quite all the Movim widgets are now using a full MVC system
- Rewrite the core session manager (Sessionx)
- Add a new localisation system + new translations
- Move the Movim librairies and dependencies to Composer and convert Modl and Moxl to PSR-0 to simplify the loading and packaging of the libraries
- Monolog is now the new log library for Movim
- Lots of warnings fixed
- Add WebRTC threw Jingle audio-video conferencing
- Make the UI fully responsible (from smartphone to FullHD screens)
- The Roster widget has been totally rewriten
- New picture library manager (with new thumbnail generation system)
- Better MUC integration in the Chat widget
- Rich text messages are now supported in the Chat widget
- Add Vcard4 (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0292.html) support in the profile
- Implement the new official Movim API (https://api.movim.eu/)
- Huge sourcecode optimisation
- Rewrite the Administration panel and split it in many little widgets
- Move the full configuration system to the database (except the database credentials)
- List all the Movim network pods on a new page
- Move the all UI to OpenSans
- Add Title support during post publication
- New statistics page for the administrators
- Rewrite the infos page and move it to a widget, move the data structure from XML to JSON
- Use SASL2 library (https://github.com/edhelas/sasl2) for the XMPP authentication and add SCRAM-SHA1 mechanism support
- Split the Profile form in 3 littles forms (general, avatar and localisation)
- Rewrite the Explore page
- Move from XML to JSON for the browser-server requests
- Update the locales
- Rewrite Modl to Modl2 with dynamic database update, PDO support (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
- Add support of XEP-0084: User Avatar
- Bug fixes in chatroom
- Complete rewrite f the bookmark/subscription system
- Huge code optimisation (x10 of some parts)
- CSS fixes
- Fix lot of issues on the groups (add youtube video support) + microblog
- Add a new log system
- Various minor bug fixed
- Huge speed optimisation
- Fux UI fix
- Implement picute insertion in posts
- Chat fix
- Smiley updated
- Media hosting and implementation (picture) @edhelas
- Group implementation @edhelas @nodpounod
- Datajar to Modl (https://github.com/edhelas/modl) portage @edhelas
- Video + picture integration (gallery preview) @edhelas
- Admin panel with hosting space administration @edhelas
- URL rewriting @edhelas
- Multi User Chat @edhelas
- Fix SSL certificate problem
- Create a new installer @kilian @edhelas
- Create admin user interface to change conf.xml @edhelas
- Improved user experience @edhelas
- 100% Moxl integration
- Add Moxl support to build.sh
- Support “user is typing”
- bidirectional friendrequests. Users can always see each other
- little search box to filter the list (nodpounod)
- http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0071.html some basic WYSIWYG
- Provide public/private posts
- Support updating of db-schemas.
- Pull new translations automaticly into trunk
- Add new translations
- Support of the XEP-0115 Entity Capabilities, which enables the client to communicate its features and the extent of its XMPP support to the server
- Implementation of DIGEST-MD5 and CRAM-MD5 as more secure log-in mechanisms
- Parse all the Movim messages to make them more “user-friendly” (smileys, links, bb-code like) @Etenil
- DONE Make a public XML page reporting on the pod status (how many user hosted, version, current status…), to be pinged from pod.movim.eu @edhelas
- Move DataJar based Classes into a single folder @edhelas
- Cleaner CSS @edhelas
- Update dates (like “2 min ago”) automatically @edhelas
- Clean and move UserConf in a single class @edhelas
- New UI @edhelas
- Integrate Datajar @etenil
- Test Movim on all Datajar back-ends @etenil
- Write a makefile to manage packaging/pulling dependencies @etenil
- Provide a more consistent API for the XMPP library (to ease the replacement of JAXL later) @etenil
- Store the Caps (XEP-115) in the database to cache them @edhelas
- Move Profile to a single page
- Merge “News” and “Feed” in one single widget and create filters (by source, date…)
- Create a system to cache the Widgets
- Add groups support
- Fixed Bug : chat link when a contact become online
- New system to switch the presences
- Change the status
- Store comments in the database
- Add comments
- Show/hide old comments if there is a lot of them (like 2 or more)
- Add Avatar support
- Date picker for the birth date (kilian)
- Display client informations
- More consistent UI
- Store all the Messages in the database to handle them more cleanly
- Multisession support
- Dynamically modify page title
- image.php to built pictures from the database + ask the browser to cache them
- Inscription on the Server (XMPP+Movim)
- HTML5 + HTML Title page notification on a new message
- Support of HTTP Proxy (installation and configuration)
- Support of HTTPS Servers
- Implementation on ORDERBY in the Storage database library
- Fix language selector
- Fix Roster display and organisation
- Fix Chat display
- Rename some widgets
- Fix Vcard widget
- Widgets debugging
- Enlarge widgets
- Notifications
- Blinking tab title
- Coloured nicknames
- Cached conversation
- Tabbed conversations
- Blocks-based layout
- More bug fixes
- URL Rewriting
- Logger
- Inter-widgets communication
- Proper disconnection handling
- Added Installer
- Changed to static loading
- Speed optimisations
- Improved Javascript libraries
- Added unit-testing structure
- Restructured the program
- Reimplemented PHP's session
- Added Cache
- Use of SQLite3 as Cache/Session back-end (only for 0.2)
- Improved theme
- Base core
- Events system
- Configuration
- XMPP connection
- Widget system