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Database Schema

Samadhan Salunkhe edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 16 revisions

The Terms & Conditions Manager uses the following tables.

#__tc_content This table is used for storing the Terms & Conditions with the combination of unique 'version no' & 'client(Ex. com_tjlms,com_subusers)'. 'Content' field stores all T & C in text format. The 'global' field is used for showing T & C for all pages. The 'groups' field stores selected user types for accepting T & C.

Column Name Data Type
id INT
version INT
client VARCHAR
content VARCHAR
start_date DATE
global INT
groups INT
is_blacklist INT
enforce_delay INT
created_on DATE
modified_on DATE


This table is used for storing client, option, view & params of URL

Column Name Data Type
tc_id INT
client VARCHAR
option VARCHAR
params VARCHAR


This table stores the accepted users T & C entries.

Column Name Data Type
user_id INT
tc_id INT
client VARCHAR
accepted_on DATE
params VARCHAR
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