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Main workflow

Iliana Nikolova edited this page Sep 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

This article describes the main steps which are taken to complete a theme-related task.

The procedure

  1. When start working on a Front-End task, change its status is the FE board to "In progress".

  2. Create a feature branch. Make sure to push your feature branch, open a draft PR and assign yourself. The front-end team will be automatically assigned as a reviewer.

  3. Develop / style away! Once ready, arrange your commits. We usually squash commits and leave a single commit per type: docs, feat, test etc.

  4. When ready, make sure all CI checks have passed successfully and mark the PR as "Ready for review".

  5. Reflect the feedback from the reviewer and re-request a review.

  6. After the PR is approved, it could be merged to develop (if there aren't any special conditions). The item status in the Front-End boards will be automatically changed to "Done".