This section documents the testing phase of the Sushiish application covering reports from validators and tools testing, manual user stories testing, further functionality testing, known bugs and issues and what is left could be further improved. Return to main to read more about project's planning, conceptions, technologies used, deployment.
- During development
- Validators and tools
- User stories testing
- Further functionality and logic testing
- Further possible improvements
- In the process of building front-end, Chrome DevTools was heavily utilized in order to make changes to markups and adjust layout responsively on multiple devices. Console tab was used intensively in order to debug and test JavaScripts functions and logic. Furthermore, various browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer) and physical devices (13-inch screen, 27-inch screen, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S9, iPad) were used to view the website in order to check the responsiveness.
- Python shell in terminal was used to print out variables and test functions.
- Manual testing different possible scenarios when developing a feature.
- W3C Markup Validation was used to validate the HTML codes of the website in all pages. There were only minor errors and warnings such as duplication of class, missing attributes in form fields, missing session heading, etc. They were all fixed accordingly to show no errors afterwards. Labels for form fields were added to make it more accessible.
W3C CSS Validator was used to check the CSS syntax. The results show no errors and warnings but the warnings are about prefixes for vendors as I have ran my css codes through a autoprefixer tool.
- JSHint was used to check the JavaScript syntax. There were also minor warnings such as missing semicolons and missing variable declaration which were all fixed accordingly. There are still some warnings about unused variables and functions but it is because some of the variables are from Bootstrap (such as
), Stripe, or other javascript files.
- PEP8 Online was used to check the Python syntax. There were only warnings about line too long or indentation which were all fixed accordingly. The only warning left is on file
file where there are still 4 lines too long at variableAUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS
. The longest line here is only 91 characters (which is 12 characters longer than the norm 79 characters). As this is system's related string and it doesn't affect the readability of the code, I have decided to leave them be.
...know what the website is about upon landing the site.
- able to navigate through the website smoothly.
- The navigation bars, both on the index page and online shop section, are designed to be clear with texts, simple and focused, so that visitors can easily go to checkout and place an order with ease. The navigation bars are also responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes so that they don't suddenly expand and be obstructive to the screen property.
Index navigation desktop
Index navigation mobile screen with hamburger dropdown
- The navigation bars, both on the index page and online shop section, are designed to be clear with texts, simple and focused, so that visitors can easily go to checkout and place an order with ease. The navigation bars are also responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes so that they don't suddenly expand and be obstructive to the screen property.
- able to sign up / log in / log out in order to order take-away.
...have a personalized profile page where I can add my delivery information and see my previous purchase history.
- able to see all the dishes available to buy and filter the dishes based on their categories.
- Visitors can choose to see all the dishes available at Sushiish. Or they can choose to filter the menu by its category. The category is designed to be scrolled horizontally and is responsve to different screen size with arrow on mobile screen to indicate the user that there is more the sides. The category filter is also fixed upon scrolling so that users can just easily change category at any point.
- Visitors can choose to see all the dishes available at Sushiish. Or they can choose to filter the menu by its category. The category is designed to be scrolled horizontally and is responsve to different screen size with arrow on mobile screen to indicate the user that there is more the sides. The category filter is also fixed upon scrolling so that users can just easily change category at any point.
...exclude the dishes based on certain allergies.
- for a dish based on name or descriptions (ingredients).
...view product's detailed information.
- Detailed information of a dish can be found upon clicking the product card on product listing page. The details are displayed with an offcanvas on the right hand side of the screen. On dekstop, the offcanvas takes up a small portion of the screen while on mobile, it takes up the entire screen. Offcanvas can be closed by clicking outside of the canvas area or the close button.
- Detailed information of a dish can be found upon clicking the product card on product listing page. The details are displayed with an offcanvas on the right hand side of the screen. On dekstop, the offcanvas takes up a small portion of the screen while on mobile, it takes up the entire screen. Offcanvas can be closed by clicking outside of the canvas area or the close button.
- to see the total amout of my current purchase at any time.
...view all the dishes I have added to my order.
...easily adjust quantity of a product currently in my order / delete a product
- able to add a note to the kitchen or delivery.
...choose time I expect to pick up the food or have it delivered.
...easily enter personal information / delivery information / payment information.
- for orders with my card in a safe and secured matter.
- Checkout page contains a form where user can enter their personal information, delivery information and payment information. They are built with clean and simple design so that they are easy to use and navigate. The form is also responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes.
- Payment is handled by Stripe API which is a popular and secured payment system. Webhooks are also set up as a safety measure so that the payment is processed and the order is placed once the payment is successful.
...receive a confirmation from the shop that I have successfully or failed to create an order or pay.
- able to add more dishes to the menu.
- able to edit current dishes.
- ...delete a dish out of the menu.
- Django admin dashboard is set up with all CRUD possibility to manage and manipulate the database, including menu/product listing. With more time, a better admin dashboard with nicer user experience could have been implemented.
- Link access to admin is only visible for logged in users who are also super user, under Profile dropdown.
- Form validations:
- Intensive testing of form validations during development and after is done to ensure that all the fields are correctly validated and that the form is not submitted with invalid data.
- Required fields are filled out. Email and phone are submitted with correct format (email format and phone number should contain only 8 digits).
- If form is not validated, the form will not be submitted and the user will be notified with error texts or toast message.
- If form is validated, the form will be submitted and the user will be redirected accordingly or a success message shows up to inform of the success of form submission.
- Navigation bar, buttons, and links: all the navigation links are working properly. Buttons should give users feedback when they are clicked. Links should go to where they should go and no broken links are present.
- Responsiveness on different devices: application was thoroughly reviewed on different physical devices as well as Chrome DevTool.
- Product filterings: category filters should show products within the chosen category. Allergy filters should show a list of products that don't include the chosen allergies. Search box should show products whose names or ingredients match the search term.
- Correct data being shown to logged in user. User should be able to see/update/delete their own information and their order history, not other users'.
- Restricted views: only superuser or admin users can access the restricted admin views. Profile view should only be accessible by its respective loggedin user.
- Order flow and payment: the flow should be easy to understand and proceed with appropriate error feedback and so users could fix accordingly if they have any problems. Success payment should direct users to a success page and an email to confirm the order is successfully placed.
- Stripe webhook handlers should be able to handle creating orders in database and/or create user profiles when payment is successful but there is a problem in the server or connection.
- Create / edit / delete functionalities and routes work properly and reflected in changes in the database.
- Admin dashboard should show all the available tables in the database and allow admins the possibility to create, edit, and delete data, except for read-only fields such as price-related fields in Order table.
- Further refactoring could have been done to improve clean code and readability. This was done only to small extend due to the time constraint.
- A more custom designed page for admin dashboard could have been implemented in order to give shop owners a much better user experience in controlling and maintaining the database.