- Adding new versions to pubspec.yaml
- Fixed "Failed setup" bug
- Fixed "Smaller to larger device RenderFlow"
- Upgraded example android project
- Added Form Widgets Feature
- Added Form Widgets Test Group
- Added Generation of Device Previews Webpage
- Added auto-deletion of screenshots
- Added Custom integrationDriver
- Upgrade of Integration Test Helper (0.0.9)
- Adding waitForUI call after binding.takePreviewScreenshot
- Adding waitForUI call after binding.takeScreenshot
- Adding default waitForMilliseconds = 550 to initializeTests arguments
- Upgrade of Integration Test Helper (0.0.7)
- Breaking change: initializeDevices now accepts unordered Set
- Updated README directions
- Added Platform Type validation
- Shortened _setPreviewState time
- Increased example setupScreenshot wait to 30 times
- Increased example minutesPerDevice to 4
- Adding responsive_widgets_prefix to example
- Updating screenshots for README
- Adding assertion that the platform types match
- Adding call to DevicePreview.selectDevice(...)
- Adding call to WidgetsBinding.instance!.reassembleApplication()
- Defaulting to no Device Preview Toolbar
- Breaking change "Refactored testDevicesEndToEnd to private"
- Breaking change "Replacing togglePlatformUI \w toggleDeviceUI"
- Upgrade of Integration Test Helper (0.0.6)
- Upgrade of Integration Test Helper (0.0.5)
- Added Responsive Widgets Prefix to example (0.0.2)
- Upgrade of Integration Test Helper (0.0.4)
- Upgrade to subclass of IntegrationTestHelperBinding
- Added super() call for BaseIntegrationTest(binding)
- Initial release.