Migrant is a tool to take your Vagrant boxes to the 'cloud'.
Migrant is designed to be a simple, focused tool to take boxes that are working locally with Vagrant and deploy them remotely. Migrant reads most configuration and provisioning information from Vagrant's configuration files and then applies the same approach to remote 'cloud' servers.
$ gem install migrant-boxes
Or in a Gemfile
gem 'migrant-boxes'
For single box configurations, the minimum that needs to be specified are provider access credentials and the location of the SSH keys to use to access the box.
This sets up a 'micro' sized aws box.
Configuration.for('migrant') {
provider {
name 'aws'
access_key ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY']
secret_key ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY']
ssh {
public_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
private_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
This sets up an instance with 256MB ram
Configuration.for('migrant') {
provider {
name 'rackspace'
ssh {
public_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
private_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
This will create the smallest possible server instance and run the provisioners
that are defined in the Vagrantfile. It will use your ssh keys to
access the box, and write some state information about instances to
Migrant is highly opinionated: it will use the latest LTS Ubuntu
release. It will also download and install Ruby 1.9 from source in
It's also possible to specify the size of the box and the AMI to use when provisioning. Keep in mind that as of right now all the bootstrapping and provisioning code is designed to work with recent flavors of Ubuntu.
Configuration.for('migrant') {
provider {
name 'aws'
access_key ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY']
secret_key ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY']
ip_address '' # <-- Elastic IP address
flavor 'c1.medium' # <-- Any instance size
image_id 'ami-81b275e8' # <-- AMI ID to use (Lucid 32-bit)
ssh {
public_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
private_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
It's also possible to customize the server size with Rackspace.
Configuration.for('migrant') {
provider {
name 'rackspace'
flavor_id 3 # <-- 1GB Server
ssh {
public_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
private_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
Most deployments have at least a staging and a production environment. Migrant supports an arbitrary number of named environments.
Configuration.for('migrant') {
provider {
name 'rackspace'
ssh {
public_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'
private_key '~/.ssh/id_rsa'
# Production environment settings. Defaults are inherited from above
production {
provider {
flavor_id 3 # <-- 1GB Server
# Staging environment settings. Defaults are inherited from above
staging {
provider {
flavor_id 1 # <-- 256MB Server
$ gem install migrant
$ migrant init
$ migrant up
For a box in a particular 'environment':
$ migrant production up
$ migrant staging up
$ migrant staging destroy
- Bootstrapping and provisioning only tested on Ubuntu 'Lucid Lynx'
- Chef-Solo provisioner the only one implemented
- Currently does not support multi-vm configurations. Eventually would be nice to support load-balanced configurations, and have some ability to start or stop any instances necessary to implement that configuration (like PoolParty).