diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f9fb84b..0bb7f6e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ sudo ln -s ~/.lazy-connect/lazy-connect /usr/local/bin/lazy-connect
 lazy-connect - Shell function to fuzzy search an IPSec VPN by name
-               and connect to it automatically.
+               and connect/disconnect to it automatically.
 -i    - Initialize lazy-connect. Stores the TOTP secret and VPN list.
 -r    - Refresh vpn list in ~/.config/lazy-connect .
 -n    - Do not fill the password automatically. Instead copy the password to clipboard.
+-y    - Connect/disconnect automatically to the last connected VPN without prompt.
 -h    - Show this help.
diff --git a/lazy-connect b/lazy-connect
index 81b40b0..8733516 100755
--- a/lazy-connect
+++ b/lazy-connect
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function _lazy_connect_vpn_refresh() {
       end tell
     end tell
-    tr ',' '\n' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]//g' >$_lazy_connect_config_dir/vpns
+    tr ',' '\n' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]//g' | cut -d' ' -f2- >$_lazy_connect_config_dir/vpns
   echo "Storing the VPN list..."
   if [ -f $backup_file ]; then
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ lazy-connect - Shell function to fuzzy search an IPSec VPN by name
 -i    - Initialize lazy-connect. Stores the TOTP secret and VPN list.
 -r    - Refresh vpn list in ~/.config/lazy-connect .
+-y    - Select the last selected VPN.
 -n    - Do not fill the password automatically. Instead copy the password to clipboard.
 -h    - Show this help.
@@ -134,14 +135,15 @@ function _lazy_connect() {
         end tell
       end tell
     end connectVpn
     connectVpn("$vpn_name", "$password", "$autofill")
 function _lazy_connect_mojave() {
-  osx_vpn_name="${vpn_name/Connect /}, Not Connected"
+  osx_vpn_name_not_connected="${vpn_name/Connect /}, Not Connected"
+  osx_vpn_name_connected="${vpn_name/Connect /}, Connected"
+  osx_vpn_name="${vpn_name/Connect /}"
   _lazy_connect_get_totp $2
   local autofill=$3
@@ -162,47 +164,52 @@ function _lazy_connect_mojave() {
   osascript <<EOF
-    on connectVpn(vpnName, password, autofill)
+    on connectOrDisconnectVpn(vpnName, disconnectedVpnName, connectedVpnName, password)
       tell application "System Preferences"
         reveal pane "Network"
         tell application "System Events"
-            tell process "System Preferences"
-                tell window 1
-                    repeat with r in rows of table 1 of scroll area 1
-                        if (value of attribute "AXValue" of static text 1 of r as string) is equal to "$osx_vpn_name" then
-                            select r
-                        end if
-                    end repeat
-                    tell group 1
-                        click button "Authentication Settingsā€¦"
-                    end tell
-                    tell sheet 1
-                        set focused of text field 2 to true
-                        set value of text field 2 to "$password"
-                        click button "Ok"
-                    end tell
-                    click button "Apply"
-            delay 1
-                    tell group 1
-                        click button "Connect"
-            end tell
+          tell process "System Preferences"
+            tell window 1
+              repeat with r in rows of table 1 of scroll area 1
+                if (value of attribute "AXValue" of static text 1 of r as string) contains vpnName then
+                  select r
+                  exit repeat
+                end if
+              end repeat
+              if (value of attribute "AXValue" of static text 1 of r as string) is equal to disconnectedVpnName then
+                log "Connecting to vpn " & vpnName
+                tell group 1
+                  click button "Authentication Settingsā€¦"
+                end tell
+                tell sheet 1
+                  set focused of text field 2 to true
+                  set value of text field 2 to password
+                  click button "Ok"
                 end tell
+                click button "Apply"
+                delay 1
+                tell group 1
+                  click button "Connect"
+                end tell
+                log "Connected"
+              else if (value of attribute "AXValue" of static text 1 of r as string) is equal to connectedVpnName then
+                log "Disconnecting from vpn " & vpnName
+                tell group 1
+                  click button "Disconnect"
+                end tell
+                log "Disconnected"
+              else
+                log "Couldn't connect or disconnect the VPN, didn't find any exact match. The network found was: "
+                log (value of attribute "AXValue" of static text 1 of r as string)
+              end if
             end tell
+          end tell
         end tell
-    end tell
-    end connectVpn
-    connectVpn("$osx_vpn_name", "$password", "$autofill")
+      end tell
+    end connectOrDisconnectVpn
+    connectOrDisconnectVpn("$osx_vpn_name", "$osx_vpn_name_not_connected", "$osx_vpn_name_connected", "$password")
@@ -214,12 +221,24 @@ version_lt() {
     [ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || version_lte $1 $2
+_get_last_selected_vpn() {
+  if [ -f $_lazy_connect_config_dir/last_vpn ]; then
+    last_vpn=$(cat $_lazy_connect_config_dir/last_vpn)
+  fi
+  if [ -z "$last_vpn" ]; then
+    echo "0"
+  else
+    echo $last_vpn
+  fi
 function lazy-connect() {
   local OPTIND
   local autofill="true"
+  local choose_last="false"
   mkdir -p $_lazy_connect_config_dir
-  while getopts "irnh" opt; do
+  while getopts "irnhy" opt; do
     case $opt in
@@ -238,6 +257,10 @@ function lazy-connect() {
       shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+    y)
+      choose_last="true"
+      shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+      ;;
       echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG."
@@ -257,8 +280,13 @@ function lazy-connect() {
     return 1
-  vpn_name=$(cat $_lazy_connect_config_dir/vpns |
-    fzf --height=10 --ansi --reverse --query "$*" --select-1)
+  last_vpn=$(_get_last_selected_vpn)
+  if [ "true" == "$choose_last" -a "0" != "$last_vpn" ]; then
+      vpn_name=$last_vpn
+  else
+    vpn_name=$(cat $_lazy_connect_config_dir/vpns |
+      fzf --height=10 --ansi --reverse --query "$*" --select-1)
+  fi
   mac_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion)
   is_less_than_mojave=$(version_lt $mac_version 10.14 && echo "yes" || echo "no")
@@ -267,7 +295,7 @@ function lazy-connect() {
     [ -z "$vpn_name" ] || _lazy_connect_mojave "$vpn_name" "$secret" "$autofill"
+  echo -n $vpn_name > $_lazy_connect_config_dir/last_vpn
 lazy-connect "$@"