Utility functions for creating node server. Handles tracking open sockets and properly shutting down sockets when shutting down the server.
Cluster support for running a clustered server. See the node cluster module.
import { Server, STATUS_CODES } from 'http'
import { consoleLogger, createAppServer, logger, shutdownAppServer, startCluster } from '../src'
let server: Server
async function startApp() {
server = createAppServer((req, res) => {
logger.info({ message: STATUS_CODES[200], method: req.method, url: req.url })
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' })
async function shutdownApp() {
async function main() {
await startCluster(startApp, shutdownApp, consoleLogger)
void main()
The logger is setup to push log messages from the cluster workers to the master thread for logging. Register a logger for logging by either passing it into startCluster() or setLogger().