- Config structure
- Configuration resolution
- Sources of configuration information
- Displaying config information
- Properties
Intern (specifically the running Intern executor) is configured with a standard JavaScript object. This object may contain properties applicable to either environment that Intern can run in (Node or browser). Config properties may be set via a file, the command line, browser query args, or an environment variable. All of these methods use the same basic syntax and provide the same capabilities.
Wherever config property values come from, the executor will validate and normalize them into a canonical format
("resolve" them) when the testing process starts. This allows the executor’s constructor or configure
method to be
flexible in what data it accepts. For example, the canonical form of the environments
property is an array of objects:
environments: [{ browserName: 'chrome' }]
However, Intern will accept a simple string for the environments
property and will expand it into an array of a single
object where the browserName
property is the given string.
The config structure is a simple JSON object, so all of its property values must be serializable (RegExp objects are serialized to strings).
// General properties
"bail": false,
"baseline": false,
"suites": [ "tests/unit/*.js" ],
// Browser and node specific resources
"browser": {
"suites": [ "tests/unit/dom_stuff.js" ]
"node": {
"suites": [ "tests/unit/dom_stuff.js" ]
"configs": {
// Child configs have the same structure as the main config
"ci": {
"bail": true,
"suites+": [ "tests/unit/other.js" ]
There are four general sections to a config:
- General properties: this includes everything but "browser", "configs", and "node"
- Node-specific resources: resource properties ("loader", "plugins", "reporters", "suites") that apply only to Node environments.
- Browser-specific resources: resource properties ("loader", "plugins", "reporters", "suites") that apply only to browser environments.
- Child configs: named configs in the "configs" object; each of these can have any config properties but "configs" (i.e., general properties, Node resources, and browser resources).
At runtime, the environment-specific resources and any active child configs will be mixed into the resolved config. In general, properties from from more specific sources will override properties from lower precedence sources. The order of precedence, from lowest to highest, is:
- A config being extended by the base config
- The base config
- The active child config in the base config
There are a few exceptions:
- The "node" and "browser" properties in a child config are shallowly mixed into "node" and "browser" in the base
config. For example, if "node" in the base config looks like:
and "node" in a child config looks like:
"node": { "suites": [ "tests/unit/foo.js" ], "plugins": [ "tests/plugins/bar.js" ] }
then the value of node in the resolved config (assuming the child config is active) will be:"node": { "suites": [ "tests/unit/baz.js" ], }
"node": { // node.suites from the child overrides node.suites from the base config "suites": [ "tests/unit/baz.js" ], // node.plugins from the base config remains "plugins": [ "tests/plugins/bar.js" ] }
- Resource arrays in "node" or "browser" ("plugins", "reporters", "suites"), are added to the corresponding resource
arrays in the base config. For example, if the base config has:
and the "node" section has:
"suites": [ "tests/unit/foo.js" ]
both sets of suites will be loaded when running on Node."suites": [ "tests/unit/bar.js" ]
- Resource arrays can be extended (rather than replaced) by adding a '+' to the property name. For example, if the
base config has:
and a child config has:
"suites": [ "tests/unit/foo.js" ]
the resolved value of suites will be:"suites+": [ "tests/unit/bar.js" ]
"suites": [ "tests/unit/foo.js", "tests/unit/bar.js" ]
Intern takes in configuration data from several sources. In order of increasing precedence, they are:
Multiple configuration methods may be used during a single run of Intern. The configuration will be fully resolved before tests are executed.
An Intern config file is a JSON file specifying config properties, for example:
"environments": [
{ "browserName": "chrome" }
"suites": [ "tests/unit/all.js" ]
By default, intern will try to load a file named intern.json
from the project base directory. This file can be
specified by passing a config
property to the Node or browser runners.
A child config can be selected by adding @<child>
to the config file name. For example, to load a child config named
“ci” from the default config file, you could run:
$ node_modules/.bin/intern config=@ci
To load a config named “remote” from a config file named “intern-local.json”, run:
$ node_modules/.bin/intern config=intern-local.json@remote
In a Node environment, Intern may be configured using an INTERN_ARGS
environment variable. This variable may contain
config properties in property=value
format. Its contents will be parsed and processed in the same way as arguments
passed on the command line.
$ export INTERN_ARGS="grep=run.* excludeInstrumentation"
Config properties may be provided directly on the command line when starting Intern. Properties must be specified using
syntax. For example,
$ node_modules/.bin/intern grep='run.*' excludeInstrumentation
Object values may be input as serialized strings (e.g., environments='{"browserName":"chrome"}'
). Array values may be
set by repeating a property (e.g., suites="foo.js" suites="bar.js"
Query args work very similarly to command line args. They have the same format, but with URL query arg separators, and escaping of special characters as necessary.
$ http://localhost:8080/node_modules/intern/?grep=run.*&excludeInstrumentation
When creating an executor programmatically it may be configured via its constructor, and later with a configure
const intern = new Node({ grep: /run.*/, excludeInstrumentation: true });
// or
intern.configure({ grep: /run.*/, excludeInstrumentation: true });
The configure method may be called any number of times before the testing process is started.
Intern has two config properties that can be used to display configuration information: showConfig
and showConfigs
Setting the showConfig
property to tru will dump the resolved configuration to the current environment’s console. When
this property is true, Intern will print its resolved configuration as a JSON structure and exit.
$ node_modules/.bin/intern showConfig
"bail": false,
"baseline": false,
"benchmark": false,
"reporters": [
"name": "console"
The showConfigs
property can be used to show information about a given config file. When true, Intern will print the
value of the current config file’s description
property, and the list all child configs contained in the config file.
For example, with a config file containing the following data:
"description": "Default test suite",
"configs": {
"webdriver": {
"description": "Run webdriver tests"
"ci": {
"description": "Run tests on a CI server"
running Intern with the showConfigs
property set would display the following text:
$ node_modules/.bin/intern showConfigs
Default test suite
webdriver (Run webdriver tests)
ci (Run tests on a CI server)
All of the available configuration properties are listed in the table below.
Property | Environment | Description |
bail | all | When true, stop testing after the first failure |
basePath |
all | The project base path |
baseline |
node | When true, run benchmark tests in baseline mode |
benchmark |
all | When true, run benchmark tests (if loaded) |
browser |
browser | Resources (loader, plugins, reporters, suites) that only apply to browser tests |
capabilities |
node | Default capabilities to be used for WebDriver sessions |
connectTimeout |
node | When running WebDriver tests, how long (in ms) to wait for a remote browser to connect |
coverageSources |
node | An array of paths or globs that should be included in coverage reports |
debug |
all | If true, display runtime messages to the console |
defaultTimeout |
all | The time, in ms, to wait for an async test to finish |
description |
all | Short string describing a test config |
environments |
node | Browser + OS combinations to be tested using WebDriver |
excludeInstrumentation |
all | Regular expression used to filter which files are instrumented for code coverage |
filterErrorStack |
all | If true, filter non-application code lines out of stack traces |
functionalCoverage |
node | If true, include coverage statistics generated by functional tests |
functionalSuites |
node | Suites to run using WebDriver |
grep |
all | Regular expression used to filter which suites and tests are run |
instrumenterOptions |
node | Options to pass to the code coverage instrumenter (Istanbul) |
internPath |
all | Relative path from project root to the Intern package |
leaveRemoteOpen |
node | If true, leave remote browsers open after testing has finished |
loader |
all | An optinal loader script and options |
maxConcurrency |
node | When running WebDriver tests, how may sessions to run at once |
name |
all | A name for a test run for use by reporters |
node |
browser | Resources (loader, plugins, reporters, suites) that only apply to node tests |
plugins |
all | A list of Intern extensions to load before tests begin |
reporters |
all | A list of reporters to use |
runInSync |
node | When true, remote executors will run in sync with the local Intern |
serveOnly |
node | When true, Intern will start its instrumenting web server but not run tests |
serverPort |
node | The port the instrumenting server should listen on |
serverUrl |
node | A URL a remote executor can use to reach the local Intern |
sessionId |
node | A unique ID assigned to a remote executor |
showConfig |
all | When true, show the resolved configuration and exit |
showConfigs |
all | When true, show information about the currently loaded config file |
socketPort |
node | A port to use for a WebSocket connection from a remote session |
suites |
all | A list of suites to load tests from |
tunnel |
node | The name of a tunnel class to use for WebDriver tests |
tunnelOptions |
node | Options to use for the WebDriver tunnel |
There are also several properties that are handled by the config system aren’t directly involved in the testing process:
Property | Description |
description |
Short string describing a test config |
extends |
Indicates that the current config extends a config file |
showConfig |
When true, show the resolved configuration and exit |
showConfigs |
When true, show information about the currently loaded config file |
These properties are used to affect the configuration process or to display information about Intern’s configuration.
Default: false
By default, Intern will run all configured tests. Setting the bail
option to true
will cause Intern to stop running
tests after the first failure.
Default: []
This property specifies an array of file paths or globs that should be included in coverage reports. Coverage data will
automatically be gathered for all files loaded by Intern tests. Setting coverageSources
will let Intern report on
application files, even ones that weren’t loaded for tests. This allows a test writer to see which files haven’t been
tested, as well as coverage on files that were tested.
Default: []
The environments
property specifies the environments that will be used to run WebDriver tests. Its value can be a
single browser name or an environment object, or an array of these.
environments: 'chrome'
environments: ['chrome', 'firefox']
environments: { browserName: 'chrome', version: '57.0' }
The syntax for browser names and other properties depends on where tests are being run. For example, when running tests using a local Selenium server, the browser name should be the lowercase name of a locally available browser, such as ‘chrome’ or ‘firefox’, and other properties such as the platform name will generally be ignored. When running on a cloud testing service such as Sauce Labs or BrowserStack, browser names and other properties may have different acceptable values (e.g., ‘googlechrome’ instead of ‘chrome’, or ‘MacOS’ vs ‘OSX’).
Default: /(?:node_modules|browser|tests)\//
This property may be assigned a regular expression or the value true
. If assigned a regular expression, every module
loaded by Intern, or served by its testing server, is tested against the expression. Files that match are not
instrumented, while files that do not match are instrumented. If excludeInstrumentation
is set to true
, code coverage support is disabled entirely.
Default: undefined
If the extends
property is set in a base config, it must be the path to a different config file. At run time, the
properties from the config file with the extends
value will be mixed into the properties from the config file being
If the extends
property is set in a child config, it must be the name of a different child config within the same
config file, or an array of such names. When a child config extends multiple other child configs, properties from the
right-most config being extended will override properties from configs to the left.
"configs": {
"a": { /* ... */ },
"b": { /* ... */ },
"c": { /* ... */ },
"d": {
"extends": ["a", "c"],
/* ... */
In the scenario above, the following process will occur:
- Child “c” will be mixed into child “a”
- Child “d” will be mixed into the result of 1
- The result of 2 will be mixed into the base config
- The result of 3 will be the resolved config
Default: []
Functional suites are files that register WebDriver tests. Suites may be specified as a string path, a glob expression, or an array of strings and/or globs.
Default: /.*/
The grep
property is used to filter which tests are run. Grep operates on test IDs. A test ID is the concatenation of
a test name with all of its parent suite names.
Default: false
Normally when Intern runs tests on remote browsers, it shuts them down when testing is finished. However, you may
sometimes want to inspect the state of a remote browser after tests have run, particularly if you're trying to debug why
a test is failing. Setting leaveRemoteOpen
to true will cause Intern to leave the browser open after testing. Setting
it to 'fail'
will cause Intern to leave it open only if there were test failures.
Default: /.*/
The loader
property can be a string with a loader name or the path to a loader script. It
may also be an object with script
and options
properties. Intern provides built-in loader scripts for Dojo, Dojo 2,
and SystemJS, accessible through the aliases ‘dojo’, ‘dojo2’, and 'systemjs'.
loader: 'dojo2'
loader: 'tests/loader.js'
loader: { script: 'dojo', options: { packages: [ { name: 'app', location: './js' } ] } }
Default: []
Suites are files that register unit tests. Suites may be specified as a string path, a glob expression, or an array of strings and/or globs.
Defautl: 'selenium'
The tunnel
property specifies which Dig Dug tunnel class to use for WebDriver testing. There are several built in
tunnel types, and others can be added through the Node executor’s registerPlugin
The built in tunnel classes are:
- 'null'
- 'selenium'
- 'browserstack'
- 'cbt' (CrossBrowserTesting)
- 'saucelabs'
- 'testingbot'