Change devices RGB based on display color using OpenRGB
It currently only runs on X11 window system, and tested only on 1080p displays
LiveRGB works by scanning pixels on the screen and getting the average color. Note that it doesn't scan all pixels on the screen as that would take almost 10 minutes which wouldn't make it very "Live".
You can change the quality variable to a value between 1 and 10. Here is a chart of how long each quality setting takes.
The results are tested using my Amd 3200g
Quality | Time |
1 | 0m0.008s |
2 | 0m0.136s |
3 | 0m0.673s |
4 | 0m2.512s |
5 | 0m6.637s |
6 | 0m15.870s |
7 | 0m29.114s |
8 | 1m24.416s |
9 | 3m22.458s |
10 | 13m3.580s |
git clone
cd LiveRGB && make