Create a table data structure suitable for sparse data.
Support efficient random access to individual cells in a table, as well as retrieval of all cells in a particular row or all cells in a particular column.
Tables give us a representation for two-dimensional data with labeled rows and columns. (Column labels are common in data sets. For rows, a primary key, such as an entity ID, can be used.) Each cell in the table will be modeled using two key-value pairs, one in row-dominant order and one in column-dominant order.
By storing the table in both row order and column order, we can support efficient retrieval of entire rows or columns with a single range read.
We construct a key from a tuple containing the row and column identifiers. Unassigned cells in the tables will consume no storage, so sparse tables are stored very efficiently. As a result, a table can safely have a very large number of columns.
Using the lexicographic order of tuples, we can store the data in a row-oriented or column-oriented manner by placing either the row or column first in the tuple, respectively. Placing the row first makes it efficient to read all the cells in a particular row with a single range read; placing the column first makes reading a column efficient. We can support both access patterns by storing cells in both row-oriented and column-oriented layouts, allowing efficient retrieval of either an entire row or an entire column.
We can create a subspace for the table and nested subspaces for the row and column indexes. Setting a cell would then look like:
tr.set(rowIndex.subspace(Tuple.from(row, column)).getKey(), pack(value));
tr.set(colIndex.subspace(Tuple.from(column, row)).getKey(), pack(value));
Higher dimensions
This approach can be straightforwardly extended to N dimensions for N > 2. Unless N is small and your data is very sparse, you probably won't want to store all N! index orders, as that could consume a prohibitive amount of space. Instead, you'll want to select the most common access patterns for direct storage.
Here’s a simple implementation of the basic table pattern:
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class MicroTable {
private static final FDB fdb;
private static final Database db;
private static final Subspace table;
private static final Subspace rowIndex;
private static final Subspace colIndex;
static {
fdb = FDB.selectAPIVersion(610);
db =;
table = new Subspace(Tuple.from("T"));
rowIndex = table.subspace(Tuple.from("R"));
colIndex = table.subspace(Tuple.from("C"));
// Packing and unpacking helper functions.
private static byte[] pack(Object value){
return Tuple.from(value).pack();
private static Object unpack(byte[] value){
return Tuple.fromBytes(value).get(0);
public static void setCell(TransactionContext tcx, final String row,
final String column, final Object value){ -> {
tr.set(rowIndex.subspace(Tuple.from(row, column)).getKey(),
return null;
public static Object getCell(TransactionContext tcx, final String row,
final String column){
return -> {
return unpack(tr.get(rowIndex.subspace(
public static void setRow(TransactionContext tcx, final String row,
final Map<String,Object> cols){ -> {
for(Map.Entry<String,Object> cv : cols.entrySet()){
setCell(tr, row, cv.getKey(), cv.getValue());
return null;
public static void setColumn(TransactionContext tcx, final String column,
final Map<String,Object> rows){ -> {
for(Map.Entry<String,Object> rv : rows.entrySet()){
setCell(tr, rv.getKey(), column, rv.getValue());
return null;
public static TreeMap<String,Object> getRow(TransactionContext tcx,
final String row){
return -> {
TreeMap<String,Object> cols = new TreeMap<String,Object>();
for(KeyValue kv : tr.getRange(
return cols;
public static TreeMap<String,Object> getColumn(TransactionContext tcx,
final String column){
return -> {
TreeMap<String,Object> rows = new TreeMap<String,Object>();
for(KeyValue kv : tr.getRange(
return rows;
That’s about all you need to store and retrieve data from simple tables.