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DLP Testing


  • jenv with OpenJDK 1.8 (suggested method using brew: brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk && brew cask install adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8)
  • NVM - build-react expects v14.6.0, but should work with any node version >= 12.0.0 when built manually outside of the makefile

Running test cases

The tests have been organized in the Makefile. Run make fullservice to run everything from the beginning. Below are the individual targets:

  • fullservice - runs everythign
  • clean - deletes folders and files created by the tests
  • clone - clones repos
  • configure - writes config files required for builds
  • build-react - installs yarn deps and creates a production build of a basic react app
  • build-swagger-codegen - compiles the swagger-codegen project (prereq for SDK builds). This is a pretty straightforward java build
  • build-javasdk - builds the Java SDK. The build is invoked via node and also executes the jar built by swagger-codegen. The SDK's integration tests have been disabled for this build


The output of commands are written to a file in the .logs directory instead of the console to keep the console clean and only showing timing results.

Example console output

platform-client-sdk-common | 33s
swagger-codegen            | 8s
react-app-example          | 56s
.logs                      | 0s
Clean total: 1:37

platform-client-sdk-common | 4s
swagger-codegen            | 13s
react-app-example          | 1s
Clone total: 0:18

Writing maven settings file...
Writing Java SDK local config file...

Initializing NVM...
Building React app...
Found '/Users/timsmith/genesys_src/git/dlp-testing/react-app-example/.nvmrc' with version <v14.6.0>
Now using node v14.6.0 (npm v6.14.6)
yarn install               | 60s
yarn build                 | 18s
React total: 1:30

Building swagger-codegen...
swagger-codegen            | 1:12

Java SDK pre-build...
Building Java SDK...
Java SDK                   | 4:55

Full-service total: 9:32