Welcome to Phase 0! We hope you are excited to further your knowledge and begin integrating into the developer and DBC community. Please make sure you've read through the Phase 0 Handbook before getting started with the weekly challenges.
Once you feel comfortable with the expecations for Phase 0, you can get started with the week's challenges. You should go through each directory (folder) listed below and complete the challenges and exercises in each.
If you would like to open tabs in a new window, please either right click or hold command while you click.
1. Get Started
2. Set Up Repo
3. Web Basics
8. Wireframing
You need to submit your work through on apply.devbootcamp.com by Sunday at 11:59pm. When you log in, look at your profile page. There should be a "Unit 1 Week 1 Form." Expect to submit your links for each of the following:
- Your new website
- Each html page created in
folder - Your forked
repository link - Your technical and cultural blog posts
- Your response to "getting to know your group"
NOTE: You will have two separate repositories in Github for Unit 1: Your Github.io site and your phase_0_unit_1 repository.
Sometimes we will make changes to the original (Devbootcamp) repository to clarify instructions or add new curriculum. You will need to "fetch" these changes from the master branch when we announce changes on the google+ community. Follow these directions to do this. If you are using a windows or linux, you will need to use the command line instructions.
- Give feedback for each person you paired with. You need to submit at least 5 pieces of feedback in this unit
- Rate at least 7 pieces of Meta Feedback on Socrates. You need to rate 20 pieces of feedback per unit
- Make sure you've signed up for GPS 1.1 and 1.2 (These must be done in a session with guide. They may not be done any other way, so make sure you sign up early!)