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The latest version can be found here.
The best way to see what I am up to would be through the posts on my home page. I suggest perusing my github repositories to see the details of the things I am working on and have done in the past. I would suggest looking in example-work
for various deliverables I've produced. If you're interested in seeing some finished map products, you can see some here that were produced with ESRI software during my GIS certification.
- have at least one git commit
per dayper week for a year - build out a fancier version of this website from scratch with the Bootstrap framework
- make some maps for the portfolio using some python modules (folium/bokeh) using earth observatory or city of austin data
- make some gif timelapses using GDAL (need to find the video I watched on this)
- try to do at least a semi-challenging coding problem per week
- shoot under 90 at my local golf course (~95 currently)
- make this current website mobile-friendly
- become more familiar with the jekyll site-generating system
- learn
by making this site (and figure out why these checkboxes render correctly here but not here)
"I once tested CommonMark extensions by block--quoting myself..." --- @tofritz
thanks for visiting,