All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Revert back to v6 endpoint of API by @daviddigital
- Possibility to query multiple stocks at the same time
- Implement persistent HTTP by @daviddigital
- generate_currency_symbols() return an array instead of a string
- Default to "price" module if nothing specificed in quotes()
- Update to use v10 version endpoint of API by @daviddigital
- MiniTest tests for full 100% code coverage
- SimpleCov coverage badge
- Tests for failing quotes method due to HTTPError
- Test for quotes method raising OpenURI::HTTPError
- SimpleCov for code coverage
- Update gem dependencies and Ruby version
- Workaround for broken API URL generating HTTP 403 Forbidden error
- Comment out not yet implemented use of redis dependency by @svoop
- Update gem dependencies and Ruby version
- Initial setup for redis caching
- Utility class with symbols generator used in currency queries
- Foreign exchange symbol generator and finder
- Rubygems MFA requirement
- Fix format of returned symbol for FX symbol finder
- Update gems
- Parse URI before opening request to API
- User-Agent header in API requests to announce as "BYF" instead of default "Ruby"
- Invalid ticker test to new behaviour of the API when the ticker does not exist
- Initial release