This file only reflects the changes that are made in this image. Please refer to the upstream GitLab CHANGELOG for the list of changes in GitLab.
- gitlab: upgrade CE to v16.11.1
- gitaly: upgrade to v16.11.1
- gitlab-pages: upgrade to v16.11.1
- ruby: upgrade to v3.2.4
- ubuntu: upgrade to focal-20240416
- gitlab: upgrade CE to v16.11.0
- gitaly: upgrade to v16.11.0
- gitlab-pages: upgrade to v16.11.0
- gitlab-shell: upgrade to v14.35.0
- gitlab: upgrade CE to v16.10.3
- gitaly: upgrade to v16.10.3
- gitlab-pages: upgrade to v16.10.3
- ubuntu: upgrade to focal-20240410
- gitlab: upgrade CE to v16.9.4
- gitaly: upgrade to v16.9.4
- gitlab-pages: upgrade to v16.9.4
- golang: upgrade to v1.22.2
- gitlab: upgrade CE to v16.9.0
- gitaly: upgrade to v16.9.0
- gitlab-pages: upgrade to v16.9.0