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WebDriverAgent is a WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator and is written entirely in Objective-C.

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Our dependencies are tracked with CocoaPods. First run

pod install

and then open WebDriverAgent.xcworkspace.

WebDriverAgent workspace contains two kind of WebDriverAgents:

  • UIAWebDriverAgent (that links to UIAutomation.framework)
  • XCTWebDriverAgent (that links to XCTest.framework), also works with devices


UIAWebDriverAgent works under-the-hood by linking to UIAutomation.framework and calling the same APIs that are exposed through Apple's UIAutomation.js framework.

Because it is not tied to an Instruments run, it is able to run across applications or even on the home screen. Furthermore, it's much faster than any JavaScript UIAutomation.js driver as it runs a native HTTP server and does not need to ferry commands and results through a makeshift run loop.

Running UIAWebDriverAgent

To add new commands or just fool around with UIAWebDriverAgent, you can run it from within Xcode. Because UIAWebDriverAgent is a daemon, you will not notice any UI when it runs. Hit the /tree endpoint to confirm it's running.

In practice, you would want to start it up alongside your application. You can use Apple's simctl tool for this or FBSimulatorControl. This is how you might do it with simctl:

# 1. Open the Simulator and application you wish to test.

# 2. Start WebDriverAgent.
xcrun simctl spawn booted <WebDriverAgent_path>
# e.g. xcrun simctl spawn booted /Users/mehdi/src/WebDriverAgent/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/


XCTWebDriverAgent works by linking to XCTest.framework and calling the same APIs that are exposed through Apple's XCUITest framework. This approach allows to run tests on devices!

Running XCTWebDriverAgent

To play around with XCTWebDriverAgent you can simply start XCTUITestRunner tests in Xcode or use xcodebuild:

xcodebuild -workspace WebDriverAgent.xcworkspace -scheme XCTUITestRunner -destination id='<DEVICE_UDID>' test

When simlulator/device launches with blue screen it should be ready for receiving requests. To get ip address under with device is available you can check device logs for line "ServerURLHere->[DEVICE_URL]<-ServerURLHere"

Use curl to start testing the app:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"desiredCapabilities\":{\"bundleId\":\"$BUNDLE_ID\", \"app\":\"/path/to/app/on/local/machine/\"}}" http://[DEVICE_URL]/session/

Have fun!


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


WebDriverAgent is BSD-licensed. We also provide an additional patent grant.