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Code of Steampunk Flutter Clock

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Here you will find a code base of this Steampunk Flutter Clock project (with 100% test coverage) that was guided by the contest rules, you can read more about this rules here:


Code is licensed under an appropriate open source license (BSD aka University of California license), assets in assets folder are licensed with CC BY 4.0 license and font in third_party folder, contain OFL license. You can find file named LICENSE inside folders, that contains a copy of the license, with full text of that license.

Footage of real devices

Here you can find a raw, untouched 4K footage from real devices, running iOS (iPhone, from year 2016) and Android (2-in-1 tablet, from year 2013) operating systems, with those steampunk clocks on it.


MD5: 85112361007BD86664C871030E1D3D55

SHA-1: 0CFCDFE7EA241C304CA694CC376983F11B1C6E6D

Video Preview

Dropbox | Google Drive | | OneDrive | Amazon Drive | iCloud


Main changes in original Google's example code:

  • removed unused files and folders,
  • this root folder:
    • edited .gitignore file,
    • added lints to analysis_options.yaml file,
    • added runners for all platforms,
    • tests have been added to the test folder and their coverage to the coverage folder,
    • added files in different languages,
    • pubspec.yaml — added Rive (ex Flare) dependency, test and lint dependencies, changed description and increased SDK version to 2.16.0.
  • lib folder:
  • assets folder — replaced unused assets with animation file,
  • ios folder — setup iOS device to run in landscape mode, added unique name,
  • android folder — edited build.gradle (see Known Issues),
  • added third_party folder, with font and it's license.

Newly added/replaced code is commented, so you can understand what's going on.


You can find binaries in Releases section of this GitHub repository.


Clock has 100% unit/widget test coverage (can be found at ./coverage) or run*:

flutter test --coverage
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html'

requires lcov installed*