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Stormrose edited this page Mar 17, 2013 · 10 revisions


An adventure gamestories toolkit for Twine

Contributied code


Macros add additional functionality to Twine.

  • macro br by Et. Easier control of linebreaks.


Mods change the behaviour of Twine itself or the inbuilt macros

  • Display Console by Et. Good for building text terminal style games using Jonah


Stylesheets that can be used to change the look of storyformats

Useful docs



TwineQuest is an optional extension.
Twine is an open authoring system that imposes very little structure on authors. Every author is free to define things for themselves. While this is excellent it also imposes a certain "reinventing the wheel" for authors who want to create stories that fit known tropes. TwineQuest is never mandatory - but it might be useful to adventure gamestory authors.

TwineQuest plugins should be as independent as practicable.
Authors should be able to mix and match plugins as they require. This is to encourage a multiplicity of plugins to suit different stories. Do you preferthe Skill/Stamina/Luck characters from Fighting Fantasy or the D20 style character? TwineQuest should be able to allow the author to decide what best suits their story. Ideally that choice will be compatible with as many other TwineQuest plugins as possible.


This project was kickstarted by this post in the TweeCode google group. This happened in early 2013. Henry Soule identified a need to share/create macros, tweecode and other assets that are useful to authors creating adventure gamestories. Such stories typically feature an adventurer (with stats), other characters, items, inventory and locations. Initial efforts are around providing a central repository for sharing existing code snippets.


  • Henry Soule
  • Leon Arnott
  • Emmanuel Turner (Stormrose)
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