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File metadata and controls

222 lines (191 loc) · 8.61 KB


This file will enable you to set up your model for hyperparameter search using the cluster-hyperopt repository.

It is separated into 3 Sections:

  • Section 1: Preconditions

  • Section 2: Creating a wrapper function, which executes the training and evaluation of your model

  • Section 3: Installation of cluster-hyperopt and creation of necessary files

A more detailed Tutorial can be found in the file.

Section 1 Preconditions

You need:

  • access to SigOpt
  • access to BWUniCluster or HoreKA
  • a GitHub repo for your project/model
  • access to Repositories: make sure you have access to cluster-hyperopt and your models repository from the server. Create an ssh key pair if needed.
  • a conda environment (we will call it "E1") for your model on the BWUniCluster/HoreKA
  • a training and an evaluation function for your model

Section 2

In this section we make your model compatible with Cluster Hyperopt. Therefore, we create a wrapper function (lets call it "run_hyperopt(config)", but you can name it how you want), that trains and evaluates the model. This is the only function that Cluster Hyperopt will execute from your model repository.

  • Input: python dict
  • Output: The loss/score/metric of the evaluated model
  • Structure:
    • extract hyperparams from the input dict
    • run the training algorithm of your model using the extracted hyperparameters
    • run the evaluation algorithm of your model
    • return the loss/score/metric of your model
  • Location: In an arbitrary python file in your github repo. Make sure, that it is uploaded to github.

Example structure of "run_hyperopt(config)":

    def run_hyperopt(config):
        # extract hyperparams. Example:
        max_depth = config["suggestion"]["max_depth"]
        #run the training algorithm. Example:
        model = train(max_depth)
        #evaluiate the model. Example:
        loss = evaluate(model)
        #return loss/score/metric
        return loss

The python dict mentioned as input has the following structure: We added some example hyperparameters.

dict: {
    'suggestion': {
        "hyperparameter_x": value    # Example Hyperparameter
        "bootstrap": 1,              # Example Hyperparameter
        "criterion": "gini",         # Example Hyperparameter
        "max_depth": 5,              # Example Hyperparameter
        "max_features": "log2",      # Example Hyperparameter
        "n_estimators": 2            # Example Hyperparameter
    'dataset': 'path/to/dataset/'
    'output_path': path/to/output/dir

Section 3

Installation of cluster-hyperopt

  • download the repository cluster-hyperopt to a location of your choice on the BWUniCluster or HoreKA.
  • you can use an existing conda environment or a new one to install cluster-hyperopt (we will call it "E2")
  • open a shell in the topmost directory of the cluster-hyperopt repository
  • activate the conda environment of your choice (E2) and execute "pip install -e ." This will install cluster-hyperopt into the active environment.

Creation of the config file

The config.yaml file is needed so that cluster_hyperopt can find all the necessary information for a hyperparameter search.

  • You can create it in an arbitrary place on the server (BWUniCluster/HoreKA)

  • See for information about every variable

  • Parameters and metrics need to match those used in Section 2

  • Here is a minimalistic configuration file that you can fill out and use:

      entry_point: TODO # The python file name that includes the function for evaluating the suggestions
      function_name: TODO # the function that executes the training and evaluation
      dataset_path: TODO # can be empty eg: ""
      git_uri: TODO
      branch: TODO # Either branch or version can be used. Using the option version allows to load specific tags
      cluster: TODO  # Either "bwunicluster" or "horeka"
      number_chain_jobs: TODO # How many times should a job - the suggestion evaluation - be chained together. It is used to
                           # cirumvent the problem of time outs in the cluster
      observation_budget: TODO # Max number of trials
      parallel_bandwidth: TODO # Number of parallel evaluations
      conda_env: TODO # name of the conda env used for the model. This is E1, see "Section 1: Preconditions"
      partition: TODO
      dev_run: true # Change this to false if you debugged your program
      project_id: TODO
      experiment_name: TODO
      client_id: TODO
  • Example file with some example values:

      entry_point: "" # The python file name that includes the function for evaluating the suggestions
      function_name: "run_hyperopt" # the function that executes the training and evaluation
      dataset_path: "/path/to/dataset" # can be empty 
      git_uri: "[email protected]:u-adrian/Tutorial.git"
      branch: "main" # Either branch or version can be used. Using the option version allows to load specific tags
      cluster: "horeka"  # Either "bwunicluster" or "horeka"
      number_chain_jobs: 4 # How many times should a job - the suggestion evaluation - be chained together. It is used to
                           # cirumvent the problem of time outs in the cluster
      observation_budget: 60 # Max number of trials
      parallel_bandwidth: 4 # Number of parallel evaluations
      multimetric_experiment: false
      conda_env: name_of_env # name of the conda env used for the model 
      - name: max_depth
        type: int
          min: 1
          max: 10
      - name: n_estimators
        type: int
          min: 1
          max: 10
      - name: bootstrap
        type: int
          - 0
          - 1
      - name: max_features
        type: categorical
          - 'sqrt'
          - 'log2'
      - name: criterion
        type: categorical
          - 'gini'
          - 'entropy'
      - name: accuracy
        objective: maximize
        strategy: optimize
      partition: "dev_gpu_4"
      dev_run: false # If the dev api of sigopt should be used to get the suggestions
      project_id: "test_project"
      experiment_name: "tutorial_project"
      client_id: 11949

Creation of SigOpt Token file:

To get value suggestions for the hyperparameters from SIGOPT, cluster_hyperopt needs the API Tokens. We create a file sigopt_token(but you can name it how you want) where we store those tokens.

You can create this file in a location of your choice on the BWUniCluster/HoreKA:


The difference between these two tokens is that the SIGOPT_DEV_TOKEN only provides a random suggestion for developing purposes whereas SIGOPT_TOKEN provides serious suggestions. This option can then be activated or deactivated in the config file via sigopt_options.dev_run

You can find your SIGOPT_TOKEN and SIGOPT_DEV_TOKEN on the SIGOPT Website: under the menu points:

  • <Your Username>
    • "API Tokens"

The next step is to assign an environment variable called SIGOPT_ENV_FILE to the path of this newly created file:

export SIGOPT_ENV_FILE=path/sigopt_token

Now cluster hyperopt can find and access the file, read out the tokens and request value suggestions from SIGOPT.

Section 4 Run HyperOpt

  • Open shell in arbitrary folder (but on the cluster).
  • activate the conda env where cluster-hyperopt is installed (E2)
    conda activate name_of_E2
  • execute cluster hyperopt:
    python /.../cluster-hyperopt/sigopt_hyperopt/ start --config_path=/path_to_config/config.yaml
    The file which will be executed is located in the cluster_hyperopt repository that you downloaded and installed at the beginning of Section 3: Installation of cluster-hyperopt.