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Releases: uPortal-Attic/uportal-home
Releases · uPortal-Attic/uportal-home
Patch release 29 of 4.1.1
KV Store, Weather 2.0, RSS Widgets, and bug fixes - Spawn uw-frame
- move frame module to uw-frame:1.0.0 #291
- Link to MyUW intro video in readme: #292
- Added my-app.less file and compilation #293
- a11y fixes #294 #295 #300 #296 #297 #289 #301
- Changed caching to be less crazy #298
- Added google events for tab clicks on /apps #299
- Added in notification for activation of services #302
- Moved a bunch of styles from uw-frame to here #303
- Added widget type
#305 - Added time and absence widget #306
Real 8/11 release bundle
- Minor fixes to welcome and notification modules
See UW-Madison-DoIT/my-app-seed#8 for upgrading your frame app.
August 11th release bundle
Don't upgrade to this version, upgrade to
Frame App
MyUW Home
- Accessibility issues #254 #263
- Added a welcome popup #261 #266 #279
- Styling #264 #271
- Renamed things: #265 #273 #274 #281 #283
- Cleanup marketplace details #268
- Fixed landing page for GA #272
- Remove beta flag for mobile toggle for expanded mode #275
- Made expanded default #276
- Fixed the json for newstuff #277
- Fixed static page loading state #282
Mock Portal
- Added a static MyUW Help
- Changed some widgets over to sample data
No More Beta && Notifications v2
Frame Changes
- Setup base search so search now works for frame apps #243
- Fix header on click to goto root of that context #244
- Notifications (still under beta flag at this time) #246 #249 #250 #251 #260
- Add in optional flag for a back to classic link that will be in footer #252 and at top of document for
#258 - Added in optional URL for "What's New" that is in the footer #252
- Remove the beta header from the
#255 - Cleanup unwanted/needed config and Less #257
Frame App Upgrade Instructions
We added quite a few new flags to the app-config.js
so take a look at frame to see what you have to update. Here is the app-seed upgrade PR: UW-Madison-DoIT/my-app-seed#7
Home Changes
- Added various aria-labels to fix accessibility issues #239 #240 #242 #245 #247 #248 #253
- Updated Readme to reflect the need for
Mock Portal Changes
- Changed the mock session name to "Bucky Badger" 0d02392
- Updates UI Bootstrap. #223
- Externalizes the crest location to allow crests from anywhere #224
- Uses the correct artifact for UI bootstrap.#225
- Adds index file for the jetty run plugin: #226
- Cleans up CSS files. #227
- Sets up Karma Testing. #228
- Update Bower dependencies. #229
- Fixes search bar placement producing 1 pixel off bug. #230
- Adds function to trim long strings. #231
- Upgrade Angularjs-portal to angular 1.4. #232
- Fixes name styling bug when app name is too long. #233
- Fixes unit test cases. #234
- Cleans up email widget. #231
- Adds 1 aria-label. #236
- Refactors out the json proxy service to utilize the actual repo with the exact same code we had here. #235
- No changes
Frame Changes
- New error experience for anyone using IE9 or less #219
Home Changes
- Cleanup on weather widget #216
- GA events for widget/list toggle #217
- Marketplace details link when no category #218
- POC of exclusive mode on portlets viewed in
#221 - Added beta flag for toggle being shown under mobile #222
Mock-Portal Changes
- Subreddit feed example #220
v4.1.1.21 Stop. It's widget time
Google Analytics now has a smart widget event: #217
Weather smart widgets: #216, #214, #193
Messaging gets ability to have a second messaging #213
Fixes Styling on option link widget template: #212
Loading icons becomes reusable: #211
General widget cleanup: #210
We become compatible with uPortal: #207
Adds codenvy support: #206 well this is silly
- Adds a classes.jar to the artifacts for