/buildfile can be safely ignored, it is used to defined files needed by jenkins to build the project for multiple environments
- Trigger build in Jenkins
- SFTP the post-build prod folder to the prod server
- Swap folders
- cd to the root folder of the application:
- build the docker image, lets name it 'cr-staff' and tag it 'v1.5.0'
sudo docker build -t cr-staff:v1.5.0 .
- this image is now available on the server,
sudo docker images
- for this step, you need to know which instance you want to run (e.g. dev-cr-staff, or dev-rm-cr-staff)
- reference the file resources/docker-host/nginx/nginx.conf for a listing of expected instances, and the port it is bound to, for this example, we are using
, which is bound to8090
- run your container
sudo docker run -d --name dev-cr-staff -p -it cr-staff:v1.5.0
- the --name, set with the flag
--name dev-cr-staff
can be used to reference this container in all subsequent commands, as seen below - shell into the container to access applications
sudo docker exec -it dev-cr-staff /bin/bash
- shell into the container to access applications
sudo docker exec -it dev-cr-staff /bin/bash
- start php
service php5-fpm restart
- change to code folder
cd /usr/local/cr-staff
- install php dependencies via composer
composer update
- change your server name to the correct site (temporary fix)
vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/cr-staff
- start the web server,
service nginx restart
- on the host,
sudo docker inspect dev-cr-staff
- look for the
entry, these are volumes in the container that are accessible on the host machine - we typically define two mounts in the Dockerfile, the application logs (
Destination: /var/log/cr-staff
), and the nginx logs (Destination: /var/log/nginx
) - each entry states where on the host machine the container folder can be accessed, e.g.
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/3779b352c1da6b0c09f0752f3b/_data
to access the container volume/var/logs/nginx
- create a folder, if not exists, in the host
, for this named instance,mkdir /usr/local/docker-instances/dev-cr-staff
- for each mount, create a symlink in this folder, e.g.
ln -s /var/lib/docker/volumes/3779b352c1da6b0c09f0752f3b/_data /usr/local/docker-instances/dev-cr-staff/nginx-logs
- you can now access these logs in a more memorable format, e.g.,
tail -f -n 600 /usr/local/docker-instances/dev-cr-staff/nginx-logs/error.log
, rather than the unmemorable docker path
- get list of containers
sudo docker ps -a
- stop the container that you just started
sudo docker stop CONTAINER_ID
- using our example in startup, stop by
sudo docker stop dev-cr-staff
- remove all stopped containers
sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
- list docker images
sudo docker images
- remove any unused images
sudo docker rmi IMAGE_ID
ORsudo docker rmi IMAGE_NAME:TAG
(if no tag, defaults to 'latest' tag, so IMAGE_NAME:latest)