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Katherine Jensen edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 9 revisions


Interface for plugins that run when a menu item is clicked and want to create an embedded Paratext child window when clicked.



IEnumerable<WindowPluginMenuEntry> PluginMenuEntries

List fo menu items to create for this plugin


string Name

Gets the name of the plugin.


Version Version

The version of the plugin


string VersionString

The version of the plugin suitable for showing to the user


string Publisher

Gets the name of the plugin's publisher.


IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, XMLDataMergeInfo> > MergeDataInfo

Defines the merge handling for all plugin data. The string is the name of the data identifier used when saving and the merge info defines the merge handling for that data. For any plugin data that is not XML or for which you want the default merge behavior, the merge info can be null. (see XMLDataMergeInfo for more information).

NOTE: If the plugin has no data to be saved in a project, null should be returned.



string GetDescription(string locale)

Gets the description of the plugin

Parameter Description
locale ISO 639-3 language code with optional RFC 5646 subtags to identify the language in which term plugin description is requested. If a plugin is not localized or does not have a description in the requested locale, it can fall back to English (en).

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