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Utz Ermel edited this page Dec 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

AddParticles is a command line program used for subtomogram averaging. Sources, output destinations and parameters are defined in a Artiatomi-style config-file (in the same format as for the SubTomogramAverageMPI tool, which is provided to the program as a command line argument.

AddParticles is intended for easy generation of initial references from particle lists and subtomograms.

Table of Contents


System Requirements

  • nVidia CUDA 8.0 toolkit
  • Multiple GPUs with a total memory size of the volume to reconstruct (16 or 32 bits per voxel) + some memory for the projection images. (We use four GeForce Titan X with 12 GByte each).
  • Enough RAM on host: There is no hard limit, but the more memory is available, the bigger the reconstruction can be.
  • OpenMPI 1.10.2 installed for multi-GPU support.



Input to the Program

General Requirements

File Format Information Output from
Subtomograms .em Subtomograms to be aligned (density is dark) Matlab function artia.particle.extract_write
Motivelist .em Particle list file Particle picking pipeline.
Reference .em Initial reference to align subtomograms to. AddParticles or manual generation.
Wedge-Filter .em Fourier space filter to use for missing wedge correction Matlab functions artia.wedge.primitive and artia.wedge.dose_weighted
Mask .em Mask to be applied to particles Matlab functions in artia.mask
MaskCC .em Filter to be applied to raw CC-maps to limit translational freedom Matlab functions in artia.mask
config-file .cfg file to set all parameters that are used by the program manual generation or matlab function artia.cfg.write

Command Line Input

-n MPIs Set a number for MPIs. This describes how many MPI-processes are spawned by the program. The number has to be related to the number of CUDA devices specified in the config-file.
-u config-file. Give the path to the config-file. The config-file contains all further parameters that are necessary for the execution of the program.

Config-File Input

Detailed descriptions for all parameters in the config-file can be found on the respective page.



