We emulate edge scenarios with multiple nodes by using Containernet.
- Ubuntu 20.04 (recommended)
- Python3
- Docker CE 20.10.14
- Docker Compose v2
- Sysbox CE 0.5.0
For Docker CE, Docker Compose and Sysbox CE you can look at the README in the project root..
Install Containernet v3.1
sudo apt-get install ansible git
git clone --branch v3.1 https://github.com/containernet/containernet.git
# We opened a pull request (#243) to make this edit available directly from upstream. See the PR for further details.
cp hack/node.py containernet/mininet/node.py
cp hack/install.yml containernet/ansible/install.yml
sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local containernet/ansible/install.yml
Install Python packages
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Files in the hack
directory are required to enable runtime selection
with containernet, currently not supported. See the associated pull request in
for more information.
See example.py