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feat(error messages, #713): on name resolution failure, suggest simil…
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…ar names

* Use plurality-agnostic messages for suggestions for simplicity and consistency
  • Loading branch information
xmbhasin committed Jan 4, 2025
1 parent b7b3439 commit 3320453
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Showing 19 changed files with 588 additions and 131 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,5 +122,6 @@ hashFieldAccessors ppe declName vars declRef dd = do
effectDecls = mempty
termsByShortname = mempty,
freeNameToFuzzyTermsByShortName = Map.empty,
topLevelComponents = Map.empty
144 changes: 127 additions & 17 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/FileParsers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,19 @@ import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT)
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Ord (clamp)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Unison.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.Blank qualified as Blank
import Unison.Builtin qualified as Builtin
import Unison.ConstructorReference qualified as ConstructorReference
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Names.ResolvesTo (ResolvesTo (..))
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
Expand All @@ -28,7 +33,7 @@ import Unison.Referent (Referent)
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
import Unison.Result (CompilerBug (..), Note (..), ResultT, pattern Result)
import Unison.Result qualified as Result
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (unsafeParseVar)
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (toText, unsafeParseText, unsafeParseVar)
import Unison.Syntax.Parser qualified as Parser
import Unison.Term qualified as Term
import Unison.Type qualified as Type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,21 +99,50 @@ computeTypecheckingEnvironment shouldUseTndr ambientAbilities typeLookupf uf =
{ ambientAbilities = ambientAbilities,
typeLookup = tl,
termsByShortname = Map.empty,
freeNameToFuzzyTermsByShortName = Map.empty,
topLevelComponents = Map.empty
ShouldUseTndr'Yes parsingEnv -> do
let tm = UF.typecheckingTerm uf
resolveName :: Name -> Relation Name (ResolvesTo Referent)
let resolveName :: Name -> Relation Name (ResolvesTo Referent)
resolveName =
(Names.shadowing1 (Names.terms (UF.toNames uf)) (Names.terms (Parser.names parsingEnv)))
( Name.unsafeParseVar (UF.toTermAndWatchNames uf))
possibleDeps = do
v <- Set.toList (Term.freeVars tm)
let shortname = Name.unsafeParseVar v
(name, ref) <- Rel.toList (resolveName shortname)
[(name, shortname, ref)]
possibleRefs =

localNames = Name.unsafeParseVar (UF.toTermAndWatchNames uf)
globalNamesShadowed = Names.shadowing (UF.toNames uf) (Parser.names parsingEnv)

freeNames :: [Name]
freeNames =
Name.unsafeParseVar <$> Set.toList (Term.freeVars $ UF.typecheckingTerm uf)

possibleDepsExact :: [(Name, Name, ResolvesTo Referent)]
possibleDepsExact = do
freeName <- freeNames
(name, ref) <- Rel.toList (resolveName freeName)
[(name, freeName, ref)]

getFreeNameDepsFuzzy :: Name -> [(Name, Name, ResolvesTo Referent)]
getFreeNameDepsFuzzy freeName = do
let wantedTopNFuzzyMatches = 3
-- We use fuzzy matching by edit distance here because it is usually more appropriate
-- than FZF-style fuzzy finding for offering suggestions for typos or other user errors.
let fuzzyMatches =
take wantedTopNFuzzyMatches $
fuzzyFindByEditDistanceRanked globalNamesShadowed localNames freeName

let names = fuzzyMatches ^.. each . _2
let resolvedNames = Rel.toList . resolveName =<< names
let getShortName longname = Name.unsafeParseText (NameSegment.toUnescapedText $ Name.lastSegment longname)

map (\(longname, ref) -> (longname, getShortName longname, ref)) resolvedNames

freeNameDepsFuzzy :: Map Name [(Name, Name, ResolvesTo Referent)]
freeNameDepsFuzzy =
Map.fromList [(freeName, getFreeNameDepsFuzzy freeName) | freeName <- freeNames]

getPossibleRefs :: [(Name, Name, ResolvesTo Referent)] -> Defns (Set TermReference) (Set TypeReference)
getPossibleRefs =
( \acc -> \case
(_, _, ResolvesToNamespace ref0) ->
Expand All @@ -118,30 +152,106 @@ computeTypecheckingEnvironment shouldUseTndr ambientAbilities typeLookupf uf =
(_, _, ResolvesToLocal _) -> acc
(Defns Set.empty Set.empty)
tl <- fmap (UF.declsToTypeLookup uf <>) (typeLookupf (UF.dependencies uf <> possibleRefs))
let termsByShortname :: Map Name [Either Name (Typechecker.NamedReference v Ann)]
termsByShortname =

typeLookup <-
(UF.declsToTypeLookup uf <>)
( typeLookupf
( UF.dependencies uf
<> getPossibleRefs possibleDepsExact
<> getPossibleRefs (join $ Map.elems freeNameDepsFuzzy)

let getTermsByShortname :: [(Name, Name, ResolvesTo Referent)] -> Map Name [Either Name (Typechecker.NamedReference v Ann)]
getTermsByShortname =
( \acc -> \case
(name, shortname, ResolvesToLocal _) -> let v = Left name in Map.upsert (maybe [v] (v :)) shortname acc
(name, shortname, ResolvesToNamespace ref) ->
case TL.typeOfReferent tl ref of
case TL.typeOfReferent typeLookup ref of
Just ty ->
let v = Right (Typechecker.NamedReference name ty (Context.ReplacementRef ref))
in Map.upsert (maybe [v] (v :)) shortname acc
Nothing -> acc

let termsByShortname = getTermsByShortname possibleDepsExact
let freeNameToFuzzyTermsByShortName = Map.mapWithKey (\_ v -> getTermsByShortname v) freeNameDepsFuzzy

{ ambientAbilities,
typeLookup = tl,
typeLookup = typeLookup,
topLevelComponents = Map.empty

-- | 'fuzzyFindByEditDistanceRanked' finds matches for the given 'name' within 'names' by edit distance.
-- Returns a list of 3-tuples composed of an edit-distance Score, a Name, and a List of term and type references).
-- Adapted from Unison.Server.Backend.fuzzyFind
-- TODO: Consider moving to Unison.Names
-- TODO: Take type similarity into account when ranking matches
fuzzyFindByEditDistanceRanked ::
Names.Names ->
Set Name ->
Name ->
[(Int, Name)]
fuzzyFindByEditDistanceRanked globalNames localNames name =
let query =
(Text.unpack . nameToText) name

-- Use 'nameToTextFromLastNSegments' so edit distance is not biased towards shorter fully-qualified names
-- and the name being queried is only partially qualified.
fzfGlobalNames =
Names.queryEditDistances nameToTextFromLastNSegments query globalNames
fzfLocalNames =
Names.queryEditDistances' nameToTextFromLastNSegments query localNames
fzfNames = fzfGlobalNames ++ fzfLocalNames

-- Keep only matches with a sufficiently low edit-distance score
filterByScore = filter (\(score, _, _) -> score < maxScore)

-- Prefer lower edit distances and then prefer shorter names by segment count
rank (score, name, _) = (score, length $ Name.segments name)

-- Remove dupes based on refs
dedupe =
List.nubOrdOn (\(_, _, refs) -> refs)

dropRef = map (\(x, y, _) -> (x, y))

refine =
dropRef . dedupe . sortOn rank . filterByScore
in refine fzfNames
nNameSegments = max 1 $ NonEmpty.length $ Name.segments name

takeLast :: Int -> NonEmpty.NonEmpty a -> [a]
takeLast n xs = NonEmpty.drop (NonEmpty.length xs - n) xs
nameFromLastNSegments =
. NonEmpty.fromList
. takeLast nNameSegments
. Name.segments

-- Convert to lowercase for case-insensitive fuzzy matching
nameToText = Text.toLower . Name.toText
nameToTextFromLastNSegments = nameToText . nameFromLastNSegments

ceilingDiv :: Int -> Int -> Int
ceilingDiv x y = (x + 1) `div` y
-- Expect edit distances (number of typos) to be about half the length of the name being queried
-- But clamp max edit distance to work well with very short names
-- and keep ranking reasonably fast when a verbose name is queried
maxScore = clamp (3, 16) $ Text.length (nameToText name) `ceilingDiv` 2

synthesizeFile ::
forall m v.
(Monad m, Var v) =>
Expand Down
116 changes: 66 additions & 50 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/PrintError.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Unison.PrintError

import Control.Lens.Tuple (_1, _2, _3)
import Control.Lens.Tuple (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5)
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, intersperse, sortBy)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,17 +628,19 @@ renderTypeError e env src = case e of
Type.Var' (TypeVar.Existential {}) -> mempty
_ -> Pr.wrap $ "It should be of type " <> (style Type1 (renderType' env expectedType) <> ".")
UnknownTerm {..} ->
let (correct, wrongTypes, wrongNames) =
let (correct, rightNameWrongTypes, wrongNameRightTypes, similarNameRightTypes, similarNameWrongTypes) =
(sortBy (comparing length <> compare `on` (Name.segments . C.suggestionName)) suggestions)
([], [], [])
([], [], [], [], [])
sep s@(C.Suggestion _ _ _ match) r =
case match of
C.Exact -> (_1 %~ (s :)) . r
C.WrongType -> (_2 %~ (s :)) . r
C.WrongName -> (_3 %~ (s :)) . r
C.RightNameWrongType -> (_2 %~ (s :)) . r
C.WrongNameRightType -> (_3 %~ (s :)) . r
C.SimilarNameRightType -> (_4 %~ (s :)) . r
C.SimilarNameWrongType -> (_5 %~ (s :)) . r
undefinedSymbolHelp =
[ ( case expectedType of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,11 +670,24 @@ renderTypeError e env src = case e of
annotatedAsErrorSite src termSite,
case correct of
[] -> case wrongTypes of
[] -> case wrongNames of
[] -> undefinedSymbolHelp
wrongs -> formatWrongs wrongNameText wrongs
wrongs ->
[] -> case rightNameWrongTypes of
[] -> case similarNameRightTypes of
[] ->
-- If available, show any 'WrongNameRightType' or 'SimilarNameWrongType' suggestions
-- Otherwise if no suggestions are available show 'undefinedSymbolHelp'
if null wrongNameRightTypes && null similarNameWrongTypes
then undefinedSymbolHelp
[ if null similarNameWrongTypes
then ""
else formatWrongs similarNameWrongTypeText similarNameWrongTypes,
if null wrongNameRightTypes
then ""
else formatWrongs wrongNameRightTypeText wrongNameRightTypes
similarNameRightTypes -> formatWrongs similarNameRightTypeText similarNameRightTypes
rightNameWrongTypes ->
let helpMeOut =
( mconcat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,7 +724,7 @@ renderTypeError e env src = case e of
<> "\n\n"
<> formatWrongs wrongTypeText wrongs
<> formatWrongs rightNameWrongTypeText rightNameWrongTypes
suggs ->
[ Pr.wrap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -790,45 +805,46 @@ renderTypeError e env src = case e of
summary note
wrongTypeText pl =
( mconcat
[ "I found ",
pl "a term" "some terms",
" in scope with ",
pl "a " "",
"matching name",
pl "" "s",
" but ",
pl "a " "",
"different type",
pl "" "s",
". ",
"If ",
pl "this" "one of these",
" is what you meant, try using its full name:"
<> "\n\n"
wrongNameText pl =
( mconcat
[ "I found ",
pl "a term" "some terms",
" in scope with ",
pl "a " "",
"matching type",
pl "" "s",
" but ",
pl "a " "",
"different name",
pl "" "s",
". ",
"Maybe you meant ",
pl "this" "one of these",
rightNameWrongTypeText _ =
[ "I found one or more terms in scope with the ",
Pr.bold "right names ",
"but the ",
Pr.bold "wrong types.",
"If you meant to use one these, try using it with its full name and then adjusting types",
similarNameRightTypeText _ =
[ "I found one or more terms in scope with ",
Pr.bold "similar names ",
"and the ",
Pr.bold "right types.",
"If you meant to use one these, try using it instead",
similarNameWrongTypeText _ =
[ "I found one or more terms in scope with ",
Pr.bold "similar names ",
"but the ",
Pr.bold "wrong types.",
"If you meant to use one these, try using it instead and then adjusting types",
wrongNameRightTypeText _ =
[ "I found one or more terms in scope with the ",
Pr.bold "wrong names ",
"but the ",
Pr.bold "right types.",
"If you meant to use one these, try using it instead",
formatWrongs txt wrongs =
let sz = length wrongs
pl a b = if sz == 1 then a else b
Expand Down

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