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Create a discord bot with TypeScript and Decorators!

📖 Introduction

Add pagination to discord bot using buttons or menu.

💻 Installation

Version 16.6.0 or newer of Node.js is required

npm install @discordx/pagination
yarn add @discordx/pagination


  • Embed pagination with discord's new buttons and select menu
  • fully customizable (You can open an issue if you find something missing, so that we can fix it)
  • Large list support (for examples 1000 items)
  • Support (embeds: (string | MessageEmbed | MessageOptions)[] | Pagination)
  • support interaction/message/channel to send pages
  • page resolver for dynamic usage

discord embed pagination


import {
} from "@discordx/pagination";
import type {
} from "discord.js";
import {
} from "discord.js";
import type { ArgsOf } from "discordx";
import { Discord, On, Slash } from "discordx";

function GeneratePages(limit?: number): MessageOptions[] {
  const pages = Array.from(Array(limit ?? 20).keys()).map((i) => {
    return { content: `I am ${i + 1}`, embed: `Demo ${i + 1}` };
  return => {
    return {
      content: page.content,
      embeds: [new MessageEmbed().setTitle(page.embed)],

export class Example {
  // example: message
  @On({ event: "messageCreate" })
  messageCreate([message]: ArgsOf<"messageCreate">): void {
    if (message.content === "paginated demo") {
      new Pagination(message, GeneratePages(), {
        type: PaginationType.Button,

  // example: any text channel
  @On({ event: "messageCreate" })
  messageCreateChannel([message]: ArgsOf<"messageCreate">): void {
    if (message.content === "paginated channel demo") {
      new Pagination(, GeneratePages(), {
        type: PaginationType.Button,

  // example: simple slash with button pagination
  @Slash({ description: "Simple slash with button pagination", name: "demo-a" })
  async demoA(interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void> {
    const embedX = new PaginationResolver((page, pagination) => {
      if (page === 3) {
        // example to replace pagination with another pagination data
        pagination.currentPage = 0; // reset current page, because this is gonna be first page
        pagination.maxLength = 5; // new max length for new pagination
        pagination.embeds = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]; // page reference can be resolver as well
        return pagination.embeds[pagination.currentPage] ?? "unknown"; // the first page, must select ourselves
      return `page v2 ${page}`;
    }, 25);

    const pagination = new Pagination(interaction, embedX, {
      onTimeout: () => interaction.deleteReply(),
      start: {
        emoji: { name: "🙂" },
      time: 5 * 1000,
      type: PaginationType.Button,

    await pagination.send();

  // example: simple slash with menu pagination
  @Slash({ description: "Simple slash with menu pagination", name: "demo-b" })
  demoB(interaction: CommandInteraction): void {
    new Pagination(interaction, GeneratePages(), {
      time: 5 * 1000,
      type: PaginationType.SelectMenu,

  // example: simple string array
  @Slash({ description: "Simple string array", name: "demo-c" })
  demoC(interaction: CommandInteraction): void {
    new Pagination(
      Array.from(Array(20).keys()).map((i) => i.toString()),

  // example: array of custom message options
  @Slash({ description: "Array of custom message options", name: "demo-d" })
  demoD(interaction: CommandInteraction): void {
    new Pagination(interaction, [
        content: "Page 1",
        content: "Page 2",
        embeds: [new EmbedBuilder({ title: "It's me embed 2" })],
        components: [
          new ActionRowBuilder<MessageActionRowComponentBuilder>().addComponents(
              new ButtonBuilder({
                customId: "myCustomId",
                label: "My Custom Button",
                style: ButtonStyle.Primary,
        content: "Page 3",
        embeds: [new EmbedBuilder({ title: "It's me embed 3" })],


Name Type Default Description
enableExit boolean false Enable early exit pagination
ephemeral boolean undefined Enable ephemeral
initialPage number 0 Initial page
onTimeout Function undefined Timeout callback
showStartEnd boolean | number true Show start/end
time number 3e5 Timeout for pagination in ms
type PaginationType BUTTON Pagination type

When pagination options are not defined, SELECT_MENU will be used if there are more than 20 pages.

Button Options

The following options are only available, if you have set type to BUTTON

Name Type Description
end ButtonOptions End Button options
exit ButtonOptions Exit Button options
next ButtonOptions Next Button options
previous ButtonOptions Previous Button options
start ButtonOptions Start Button options

Type: ButtonOptions

Name Type Description
emoji EmojiIdentifierResolvable Button Emoji
id string Button Id
label string Button Label


The following options are only available, if you have set type to SELECT_MENU

Name Type Default Description
labels.end string End label
labels.exit string Exit Pagination label
labels.start string Start label
menuId string discordx@pagination@menu Menu custom id
pageText string | string[] Page {page} Menu page text
placeholder string Select page Menu placeholder

📜 Documentation

☎️ Need help?

💖 Thank you

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