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Releases: urbanairship/android-library


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix issues with proguard as well as enables fullscreen video for landing pages and
message center.


  • Enable fullscreen video for landing pages and message center.
  • Added new error message when trying to display a message center message that is no longer available.
  • Fixed proguard issue.


03 Mar 00:13
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Minor release that introduces support for FCM apis, modular packages, and in-app message design
updates. For FCM migration, please follow the FCM Migration Guide.


  • Added support for FCM Google Play Services dependency.
  • When using urbanairship-fcm, setting the FCM sender ID in the airship config options is now optional.
  • Moved push providers into own packages - urbanairship-fcm, urbanairship-gcm, urbanairship-adm,
    and urbanairship-core. The package urbanairship-sdk still exists and is now just a wrapper package
    that depends on gcm, adm, and core to prevent breaking apps.
  • Deprecated urbanairship-sdk and urbanairship-gcm packages. They will be dropped in SDK release 10.0.
  • Updated in-app message designs.
  • Added support to display an in-app modal message as fullscreen on smaller screen devices.
  • Normalized the custom event builder APIs.
  • Added metadata option to enable local storage in Urban Airship webviews.
  • Updated to Play Services version 15.0.0 and Support Library 27.1.1. Tracking
    Advertising IDs now require the play-services-ads-identifier dependency.

Bug Fixes

  • Added calls to takeOff autopilot when in-app message activities are being restored when the app is suspended.
  • Fixed packages not declaring the proper dependencies in the pom file.


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix an issue with delaying takeOff. Applications that make use of the isReady method
may want to update.


  • Remove wait for takeOff in the PushService
  • Allow autopilot creation to be retried if the app info is unavailable


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix a BadParcelableException when accessing the PushMessage from an intent's bundle
on some devices.


  • Fixed BadParcelableException when handling push messages from intents.
  • Fixed lint warnings/errors.


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix a NPE due to a race condition in the in-app messaging manager and fixes an issue with
cancelling in-app automation messages. Applications running older versions of SDK 9.0 should update.


  • Added proguard rule to keep Autopilot class
  • Fixed crash in the in-app automation manager.
  • Fixed issue with cancelling in-app automation messages.


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix a NPE introduced in 9.0.2 when sending a
notification with a button without any actions.


  • Fixed NPE in core receiver.
  • Allow custom schemes when whitelisting urls.


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix an issue with background services in Android O and a background ANR
when delaying takeOff. Applications that are targeting Android O and take advantage of
push notification actions should update.


  • Fixed ANR when takeOff is delayed.
  • Fixed IllegalStateException when opening a push notification with actions.


03 Mar 00:13
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Patch release to fix a minor display issue and data validation for in-app messaging.


  • Fixed in-app message displays when using the EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_SHOW flag in the manifest.
  • Added missing checks for identifier lengths for both in-app messages and message buttons.


03 Mar 00:13
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Major release required for new in-app messaging capabilities.

New features

  • In-app messaging v2. The new in-app messaging module includes several different
    view types that are fully configurable, including modal, banner, and fullscreen. An
    in-app message is able to be triggered using the same rules as the Action automation
  • A rate app action to prompt the user to rate the application.
  • Automation schedule priority: Used to determine the execution order of schedules
    if multiple schedules are triggered by the same event.
  • Support for editing automation schedules.
  • New active session automation trigger. The trigger will increment its count
    if it has been scheduled during an active session instead of waiting for the next
  • New app version automation trigger.
  • Extended whitelist URL checking for URL loading instead of just JS bridge
    injection. By default these checks are disabled, but you can enable them
    with the AirshipConfigOptions field enableUrlWhitelisting.
  • Updated localizations.
  • Updated to Google Play Services 11.8.0 and Support Library 27.0.2.