The Shortcut exporter includes Epics, but not their comments. Epic comments support nesting, and their representation in the Shortcut REST API is also nested.
This recipe leverages the Shortcut REST API to generate a CSV of Epic comments for a given Shortcut Epic.
A parent_id
column, when filled in, will contain the id of the comment that is the parent of the given comment.
To download this script's dependencies, run:
make setup
After that, you can run the script to pull down either one epic's comments:
pipenv run python --epic-id <epic-id>
Or epic comments for all epics in your Shortcut Workspace:
pipenv run python --all-epics
Each epic's comments will be written to a file with the epic ID and a current timestamp.
Set up your development environment:
make setup-dev
Run pipenv shell
to enter a shell with all Python dependencies loaded.
Run tests:
make test
Run the linter:
make lint
If a test failure isn't clear, you can run pytest in verbose mode:
pipenv run pytest -vv