Add FreezeOut specific variables like active
, layer_index
, max_j
, and lr_ratio
to the layers you want to freeze. This is similar to what you did in the Wide ResNet model.
Modify the optimizer to take into account the lr_ratio
for each layer, similar to how it's done in the Wide ResNet model.
Implement a function to update the learning rate and freeze layers based on the max_j
and j
(iteration count), similar to the update_lr
function in the Wide ResNet model. Both freezeout and localmim uses iteration count as steps for cosine annealing.
Modify the forward pass to check if a layer is active or not. If it's not active, detach its gradients.
Here's a simplified example focusing on the key parts:
import numpy as np
scale_fn = {'linear':lambda x: x, 'squared': lambda x: x**2, 'cubic': lambda x: x**3}
# ... (existing code)
class BlockWithFreezeOut(Block): # Assuming Block is your existing Block class
def __init__(self, *args, layer_index, **kwargs):
super(BlockWithFreezeOut, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = True
self.layer_index = layer_index
self.lr_ratio = scale_fn['cubic'](0.1 + (1 - 0.1) * float(self.layer_index) / 100) # Replace 100 with total layers
self.max_j = 100 * 1000 * self.lr_ratio # Replace 100 with total epochs
# ... (existing code)
class MaskedAutoencoderViT(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MaskedAutoencoderViT, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Replace existing blocks with BlockWithFreezeOut
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([
BlockWithFreezeOut(*block_args, layer_index=i) for i, block_args in enumerate(self.blocks)
# Initialize optimizer with lr_ratio
self.optim = optim.SGD([{'params': m.parameters(), 'lr': m.lr_ratio} for m in self.modules() if hasattr(m, 'active')],
nesterov=True, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=1e-4)
self.j = 0 # Iteration counter
def update_lr(self):
# Similar to update_lr in Wide ResNet
# ...
def forward(self, x):
# Modify to include active check
for block in self.blocks:
x = block(x)
x = block(x).detach()
# ... (rest of the forward logic)
This is a simplified example and you'll need to adapt it to fit into your existing MIM ViT codebase. The key is to add the FreezeOut logic to the layers you want to freeze and then manage their state during training.
To pretrain MIM cosine lr scheduler has been used, so is not used at all:
Fine tune settings are:
Freezeout uses iteration wise cosine annealing (rather than epoch-wise), line of proof:
# A simple dummy variable that indicates we are using an iteration-wise # annealing scheme as opposed to epoch-wise. self.lr_sched = {'itr':0}
The code assumes 1000 iterations per epoch and assigns the following max iterations per layer:
m.max_j =self.epochs*1000*m.lr_ratio
( This might be a bad assumption. If you scale the learning rate linearly with the batch size, max_j iterations can be set by epochs/batch_size rather than a constant. Freezeout might be keeping initial lr and batch size independent, which might be the reason for this 1000. -
The learning rate is set to 0.1 by default for freeezeout, the cosine annealing step uses hence 0.05 (div by 2): = 1e-1/m.lr_ratio if self.scale_lr else 1e-1
. Also cosine annealing max iterations are adjusted uniquely for each layer:self.optim.param_groups[i]['lr'] = (0.05/m.lr_ratio)*(1+np.cos(np.pi*self.j/m.max_j)) if self.scale_lr else 0.05 * (1+np.cos(np.pi*self.j/m.max_j)
- NOTE: Weight decay is applied selectively to non-bias or normalization layers with:
optim_factory.param_groups_weight_decay(model_without_ddp, args.weight_decay)
. - NOTE: A different decay is applied during fine tuning:
- NOTE: Gradient clipping is only applied during fine tuning, not pretraining. Only amp scaling is applied during pretraining.
- NOTE: For pretraining, accum_iter: Accumulate gradient iterations (for increasing the effective batch size under memory constraints)
- NOTE: Gradient Updates: Make sure that setting custom parameter groups doesn't interfere with how gradients are updated. You've mentioned that gradients will be accumulated; ensure that's compatible with your custom parameter groups.
- NOTE: min_lr is 0 based on freeze_out(j/max_j becomes 1 and layer is frozen after that)
- NOTE: blr is set already, you have to set batch_size to the same number as localmim paper.
- NOTE: the cls token serves as global image context summarizer, but here (MIM) it does not have a clear purpose (can be frozen)
- NOTE as the transformer has skip connection, the first input will flow till the end untouched.
- NOTE localmim and freezeout both use epoch count for cosine annealing.
Note: Due to LocalMIM not sharing their environemnt specifications, we had to adjust timm python package to match the model architecture and logic correctly.
- Changed for finetunning (/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/timm/data/ indexing type mismatch:
def str_to_pil_interp(mode_str):
if isinstance(mode_str,str):
return _str_to_pil_interpolation[mode_str]
return _str_to_pil_interpolation[mode_str.value]
def str_to_interp_mode(mode_str):
if has_interpolation_mode:
if isinstance(mode_str,str):
return _str_to_torch_interpolation[mode_str]
return _str_to_torch_interpolation[mode_str.value]
if isinstance(mode_str,str):
return _str_to_pil_interpolation[mode_str]
return _str_to_pil_interpolation[mode_str.value]
- Commented out the lines below in the
code of timm models (/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/timm/models/, this ensures Identity functions being removed and avg global pooling is always selected (since the code overwrites theforward_features
def forward_head(self, x, pre_logits: bool = False):
# if self.global_pool:
# x = x[:, self.num_prefix_tokens:].mean(dim=1) if self.global_pool == 'avg' else x[:, 0]
# x = self.fc_norm(x)
x = self.head_drop(x)
return x if pre_logits else self.head(x)
first understand what the encoder,decoder,hog encoder and does by dry running (hand tracing) For each stage freezeout feature encoder output update:
Eliminate the img forward pass.
Store img feature outputs (128,196,728) just like images.
Mask them by keeping the order and mask information (%75)
Pass this from the encoder.
Pass the output features to the decoder.
BIG TODO: Make the decoder output match the input to the encoder (128,196,728) (not the whole image):
- Are the hog_enc layers necessary here? The paper refers to the method without HOG, where is the imp (can be helpful).
- The decoder output shape is different for each layer originally, how to handle this?
- Should I prune the decoder outputs simultaneously as I prune the encoder inputs for symmetry (ideally I should)?
- Large initial learning rates generalize better, as small learning rates tend to memorize hard to fit easy to generalize patterns easier: Towards Explaining the Regularization Effect of Initial Large Learning Rate in Training Neural Networks.
- Large learning rates generalize better: On the Benefits of Large Learning Rates for Kernel Methods.
- Does the multi-scale learning support freezeout? Does it allow earlier freezing?
- The model achieves peak results much earlier than the target epoch count. Is this due to freezeout learning rate scheduling? Or is it part of the nature of localmim?
- Multi-scale learning might enable early freezing of layers without accuracy drop (like freezeout). Having more tasks for the initial layers might be a better way for AdamW, while lr increasing in for SGD was useful, it is not effective for AdamW, as it is not sensitive to learning rate. Multi-scale training, by default might benefit early layer convergence and freezing a lot, and early layers might be more important for transfer learning in MIM. -> If my intuition is right, multi-scale training might allow much earlier layer freezing.
- The freezout learning rate schedule harms the model performance and does not help with convergence speed.
- localmim intrinsically converges much faster, the 100 vs 1600 epoch is not very different compared to MAE.
- Stagewise task losses magnitudes are 4,3,2,1 -> This means there is a default lr scheduling like freezeout. To apply freezeout, you should reduce the learning rates per stage first, then scale the learning rates to match freezeout. -> Rather than scaling with 4,3,2,1 -> scaling with 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1 might help the convergence and avoid extreme gradient updates for initial layers.
- The model achieves peak results much earlier than the target epoch count -> lowering the learning rate prematurely might harm especially less epoch trainings (100 epoch). Hence, cosine anealing might be very bad for low epoch pre-training, or maybe even long trainings. Exhausting the dataset in self-supervised learning might be much more difficult than regular supevised training. Train a model with constant learning rate or something similar. If this is caused by freezing the model that is also nice (artificial speed up), which might show that training early layers is much more valuable.
- The model perfors better when there is not lr scaling or freezing operation but by directly stopping training at early epochs like 80-70, learning rate scheduling turned out to be useless with Adam probably.
Important TODO lr schedule per layer olmadan:
- ViTFreeze code might have a problem, ViT and ViTorig produces different results possibly (to=0.8 at 50 epoch and Vit_orig 50 epoch has different results.). Training further after 50 epoch pretraining improves both training, which supports that there is a problem ViTfreeze code, some parameter lrs might not be modified correctly (or even removed from training?). This should be fixed in optimizer lr update part of Vitfreeze. There is a possibility that the optimizer lr is not modified!
- Would it be better to not freeze the patch embedding layer -> m
- I have not adjusted lrs per layer while doing warmup (but orig lr), might this be the reason for freezeout lr sched to fail?
- I think, giving the same weights to the tasks are not fair, final stage is more important. Reduce the weights of early stages (even curriculum is possible). Also, doubling lr is not the same as doubling the task weight, as doubling the task weight for AdamW should correspond to doubling the lr in SGD.
- Train the model without lr scaling or layerwise lr for different t0 values (0.8, 0.7, 0.9, 0.6) and train different model checkpoints (70-65-60-55-50-45-40), adjust the learning rate (keep it high) and pre-train again if the original model also stops improving. But the max achieved leraning rate for 100 and 1600 are not much different (it is 83.3 to 84)
- Add more stage tasks (multi-scale) for greater early layer convergence speed.
- Add stage wise different tasks for more varying supervision and layer-fit tasks.
TODO curious thoughts:
- Great Idea: Self distillation might improve the use of initial layers for the SSL task and improve convergence speed. Transitive distillation might work well (similar to multi-scale training.).
- Diffusion like stage-wise difficulty based denoising (with many 0-100 difficulties like diffusion for augmentation). Similar idea to curriculum by smoothing.
- nlp layer dropping method.
- sabit learning rate ile dene (cosine hasar veriyor olabilir mi lr fazla erken düşürürerek?), Learning rate sabit kalsa daha iyi sonuç alınır mı.
TODO Fine-tuning hızlandırmak:
- pre-training yerine finetuning de freeze etmek hızlandırmak için daha iyi olabilir gibi duruyor, intuitive olarak freezing transfer learning de kullanılıyor (ama lower epoch sonuçları bariz daha kötü finetune edilen modeling, freezing iyi çalışmayabilir).
- fine-tuning'in de multi-scale olması mantıklı duruyor.
- Use every layer for multi-scale reconsturction. The paper claims that this helps early layers to converge faster (just like skip connections) and multi-scale local tasks are working better than global single scale reconstruction. This will help premature freezing performance also.
- Increasing masking ratio to increase computation speed etc. (or mask ratio based curriculum)
- Try add a curriculum to the model by : 1. Adjusting the stage losses, weights, lrs accordingly 2. With token distance based difficulty.
- Dual patch normalization (DPN) seems to increase convergence speed (with lower number of epochs results are more significant).
- TODO 100 epoch pre-trained model linear probing might benefit from larger learning rate like as in localmim fine-tuning code.
- TODO masked feature modeling -> once a layer is frozen intermediate features can be masked and original image can be reconstructed.
- TODO removing warmup (with transformer init) might increase freezeout speed performance.