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214 lines (160 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (160 loc) · 13.9 KB


utopya aims to adhere to semantic versioning.
However, given the rather burst-like development on this package, features are often released immediately, sometimes also as a "patch" (+0.0.1) release.


  • !84 allows to not draw edges in .plot.graph; this is sometimes useful if there would be so many edges that they could not be distinguished anyway.


  • !83 improves reliability of utopya eval while waiting for distributed Multiverse runs to finish.
  • !83 extends the documentation on meta-configuration levels.


  • !82 revamps Task management in the WorkerMangger:
    • Tasks can be marked as skipped, which can be determined in their setup function.
    • We now keep track of the status of a task, whether it was invoked, spawned, cancelled, failed, skipped, or finished successfully.
    • This alleviates the need for the previously introduced NoWorkTask.
  • !82 implements utopya join-run, allowing to join an active simulation run from another machine in order to speed up its completion.
    • Main requirement is that the machines share their output destination, e.g. a network drive, and the network drive supports file locking.
    • The progress bars and separate report files indicate individual progress.
  • !82 improves utopya run-existing universe selection, reporting, and documentation.
  • !82 makes many improvements to the report file that is being written, e.g. showing other DistributedMultiverse instances and their progress.
  • !82 improves the CLI to allow calling utopya eval in a separate process while the simulation is still running: the CLI will then wait until the active simulation has finished before starting evaluation.


  • !81 also saves the user name in the report file, useful in shared utopya_output directories.


Features and enhancements

  • !71 allows setting permissions on a simulation's subdirectories. Also sets the eval directory permissions such that other users of the same group can evaluate simulations without requiring manual permission changes.
  • !74 implements utopya run-existing, an experimental feature that allows finishing or re-running a previously-created simulation run.
  • !80 improves the Reporter to show host machine information and an overview of task exit codes.

Bug fixes

  • !78 fixes a regression in .plot.abm caused by changed .groupby operation behaviour in xarray.

Removals and deprecations

  • !72 removes the deprecated CA ca.state plot and the draw_cbar and limits arguments of the


  • !76 moves the logging-related adjustments (e.g. colored log messages) to their own private module, utopya._logging.
  • !79 removes testing (and thus official support) for Python 3.8.
  • !79 replaces the deprecated pkg_resources module with importlib.resources.
  • !79 adds support for numpy >= 2.0.


  • !70 adds utopia as a console script, giving access to the utopya CLI.


  • !68 lets the xr.DataArray underlying XarrayDC inherit attributes from the container instance (don't know why that wasn't configured to be the case before).
  • !67 fixes a regression in the Read-The-Docs configuration.


  • !66 fixes a bug in ModelBenchmarkMixin that prevented reconstructing a labelled DataArray for evaluation of the cumulative benchmarking results.


  • !62 adds the -W/--num-workers option to utopya run, a shortcut to more easily set the number of worker processes.
  • !63 fixes a YAML loading issue in the MinimalModel introduced by ruamel.yaml >= 0.18.
  • !65 adds test environments for Python 3.12


  • !61 fixes a bug in graph animation plots that prohibited plotting if additional graph attributes were set.
    • Also reduces the verbosity of the graph plot by hiding repetitive log messages.
  • !60 allows controlling how many tasks the WorkerManager spawns each iteration of the working loop, improving CPU utilisation when many short simulations need to be started in fast succession.


  • !58 changes the default behaviour of the utopya_backend BaseModel to also seed numpy's np.random default RNG and the random module's default RNG when setting up a model. This makes Python simulations deterministic even in cases where an external RNG is being used; not having done this in the past meant that simulations would not be reproducible, which is why this is considered a bug fix. The behaviour can be deactivated by setting seed_numpy_rng and seed_system_rng parameters to False.
  • !59 removes redundant YAML-related code, which is now implemented in the yayaml package.
  • !59 requires paramspace v2.6, which includes improvements, bug fixes, and (minor) breaking changes.


  • !55 improves graph layouting by using the pygraphviz package (instead of the outdated pydot). For plotting networks, the utopya installation now includes a set of optional dependencies, installable via pip install utopya[opt].


  • !57 fixes regressions from updated versions of numpy and pydantic.


  • !54 fixes a bug in the CLI that prohibited applying configuration updates during interactive plotting (utopya eval -i <model_name> --update-plots-cfg …)
  • !56 improves an error message that is raised when a model executable is not executable.


  • !52 fixes a bug in GraphPlot that prevented PlotHelper invocation during animations.
  • !53 implements ModelBenchmarkMixin which can be used to easily aggregate information about elapsed times for the different parts of a model iteration.
  • !53 allows BaseModel to not sys.exit on a signal but simply return, configurable via class variable USE_SYS_EXIT.


  • !50 makes model registration easier by adding the --with-models flag to the utopya projects register command.
  • !51 adds CI tests for Python 3.11.


  • !46 fixes a bug in the ABM plot occurring with the latest xarray version.


  • !43 allows model-specific updates to the Multiverse configuration
  • !43 makes specifying a model executable optional, allowing evaluation only pipelines.
  • !45 implements shell completion for model names, project names, and run directories.


  • !41 implements .plot.abm which specializes on plotting output from agent-based models. Refer to the documentation for more information and examples.


  • !39 fixes an error where auto-scaling in animated caplots was done despite vmin and/or vmax being set.
  • !40 adds Parameter shorthand modes is-positive-or-zero, is-negative-or-zero, and is-in-unit-interval.


  • !37 fixes caplot for hexagonal grid structures, now supporting different hexagon orientations, offset modes and boundary options.
  • !37 adds imshow_hexagonal as facet grid kind.
  • !22 replaces utopya's ColorManager with the updated dantro ColorManager.
  • !22 integrates the ColorManager into caplot, offering more ways to control colormaps and norms and fixing a number of subtle visual bugs.
  • !22 fixes a bug in GridDC that led to data attributes being lost.
  • !22 adds the debug_level option to the Multiverse and its meta configuration.
    • For now, this does not do a lot, but it will be expanded to control more aspects depending on debug level.
    • With debug_level >= 2, Python DeprecationWarnings are shown.


  • !22 deprecates the limits argument for individual caplot properties; use the more conventional vmin and vmax instead.
  • !22 deprecates the draw_cbar argument for individual caplot properties; use the more conventional add_colorbar instead.


  • !36 fixes a critical bug that prevented installing utopya from PyPI.
  • !36 removes minimum versions from requirements, making dependency resolution simpler.


Features and enhancements

  • !28 improves error messages upon missing model executable.
  • !31 implements the utopya_backend package which bundles classes and function that can be used to implement models.
    • BaseModel provides shared simulation infrastructure like an RNG, signal handling, loggers, and a general scaffolding for running the model.
    • StepwiseModel specializes BaseModel for models that make an "integer time" abstraction, with the perform_step method describing how to iterate the state.
  • !31 improves handling of WorkerTask's that were terminated due to a StopCondition signal.
  • !32 adds the utopya test MODEL_NAME command to the CLI, making it easier to run associated Python model tests.
  • !34 expands tests for drawing graphs using .plot.graph.

Bug fixes

  • !30 fixes a bug that prevented re-running a Multiverse from the backed-up meta_cfg.yml file of a previous run.

Removals and deprecations

  • !29 removes the (dysfunctional) !model YAML constructor; potentially to be re-added at a later point (discussed in #51).


This is the first standalone release of utopya. With the standalone version, utopya can be used in more general contexts: Whenever you need to perform simulation runs from some executable and evaluate its outputs.

Prior to this release, utopya was only available as part of the Utopia modelling framework and could not be used outside of it.

Features and enhancements

  • !1 makes a number of substantial and backwards-incompatible changes that aim to improve package structure and maintainability:
    • Apply code formatting using black
    • Implement the pre-commit framework to maintain consistent code formatting and allow other pre-commit hooks.
    • Remove old-style plot functions and the legacy transformation framework
    • Improve module structure, particularly by consolidating evaluation-related modules into a submodule
  • !2 consolidates functionality related to stop conditions into a single module and provides the stop_condition_function decorator to simplify adding custom condition functions.
  • !3 provides a demo model that illustrates the utopya model interface
  • !3 reworks and simplifies parts of the model registry
    • Require labels for model info bundles and allow specifying a default label
    • Let exists_action only act on info bundles, not on model names
  • !3 and !4 implement a more modern CLI using click
    • All functionality is roughly maintained, but CLI syntax has changed in some places. The legacy CLI is removed.
    • Makes it much easier to expand the CLI and allows testing using pytest.
    • Improves modularization by moving all CLI-related implementations into the new and separate utopya_cli package.
    • Provides more ways to register models. In particular, there is now the option to register a model's metadata via a "model info file".
    • !19 improves the implementation of utopya models copy, becoming more language-agnostic and extendable.
  • !4 and !6 add a validated project registry, which keeps track of utopya projects (which in turn contain models) and frameworks: two abstraction levels that play a role in determining the configuration hierarchy.
    • !24 improves the registry framework and the CLI to better handle corrupt project (or model) registry files.
  • !5 adds changes that allow a proper outsourcing of utopya from Utopia:
    • Extends the project registration CLI with --require-matching-names option.
    • Allows to specify custom plot configuration pools via the meta-configuration.
    • Allows to associate a project with a framework project.
    • Adds new framework- and project-level configuration levels that are taken into account when compiling the Multiverse meta-configuration and the base plot configuration pools.
  • !6 improves plotting functions:
    • Adds snsplot for seaborn-based plots
    • Modernizes the CA plot (caplot), now supporting the data transformation framework and deprecating the old ca.state plot
  • !6 adds an extended demo model that showcases utopya usage for Python-based model implementations.
  • !6 moves definition of custom config set search directories to the project-level and extends search to a wider set of model source subdirectories.
  • !8 improves the package API documentation and includes intersphinx for cross-referencing to other packages.
  • !9 adapts the package structure to the reworked dantro >= v0.18 interface
    • This pertains mostly to the plotting framework. Due to utopya wrapping many parts of that interface, there are few backwards-incompatible changes.
    • However, notice the deprecations introduced by dantro v0.18.
  • !14 improves plot module pre-loading:
    • Plot modules are now imported at the time of PlotManager initialization.
    • Plot modules specified in the project and framework can be pre-loaded as well; this can disabled via the project settings.
  • !18 expands the ColorManager, now allowing to specify continuous colormaps (using LinearSegmentedColormap).
  • !21 updates and cleans up the base plots configuration, making use of the newly implemented dantro base plots config pool.
  • !23 allows to store a model's project and framework repository states alongside the Multiverse's backup for config files; this can help to reconstruct the state in which a model was run.


  • !10 outsources utopya._import_tools to dantro._import_tools


This is the version number of utopya at the time it was outsourced from the Utopia framework repository (January 2022, roughly at commit 03145665). There is no changelog going back beyond this point.