On PCs M maps to the alt key and C to the ctrl key.
M-x For entering commands (gdb, shell, compile etc)
C-g abort a command
C-x C-s Save buffer
C-x C-w Save as
C-x C-c Exit emacs
C-x 1 Show only single buffer, (full window)
C-x 2 Split window to show two buffers (horizontal)
C-x 3 Split window into two vertical buffers
C-x k Kill current buffer
C-x 0 Kill window (not buffer)
C-x o Activate other window
C-x -> Next window (or buffer)
C-x <- Previous window (or buffer). (-> and <- are the arrow keys)
C-Shift-_ Undo
C-space Start selection. (use arrow keys to go to end of selection)
C-space-space Start selection (shows the selection also - Transient Selection).
C-w Cut (delete) selected text
M-w Copy selection
C-y Paste
M-; Start a comment or comment the selected text
M-$ Check current word (on which cursor is present) with iSpell
C-x d Open directory
C-x C-f Open or create file
C-q tab Force tab
M-! Execute shell command
M-/ Complete word
F10 Menu.
M-g M-g Goto specific line
M-< Goto beginning of file
M-> Goto end of file
C-x s Save all buffers
C-k Delete current line
C-l Reposition screen for current line
C-s Search for a pattern. Can you repeatedly to continue search.
C-r Search for a pattern in the backward direction. Can you repeatedly to continue search
M-. Find symbol in TAGS.
C-M-, Go to previous marked position. Useful when you want to go back after following up a symbol definition with M-.
C-x C-x Goto previous cursor position (that was marked with a C^space or other means)
C-c C-z Open interactive python interpreter
M-n When viewing a .diff file, go to the next diff
M-p When viewing a .diff file, go to the previous diff
C-c ! l List all flycheck errors
C-c ! n Next flycheck error
C-c C-t Show type of variable (in OCaml merlin mode)
Replace string: Hit M-x and type command "replace-string" hit ENTER. Can also do "query-replace" to do an interactive replace.
Find matching braces: Hit M-x and type "forward-sexp" or "backward-sexp". Cursor should be at the right braces.
ediff-buffers: Hit M-x and type "ediff-buffers". Its a visual diff tool.
emacs -nw
Opens emacs in non-X mode. (can be done by unsetting$DISPLAY