- Revert changes from 0.6.0 in order to preserve write atomicity
- Implement StationaryReader which powers Reader without concurrency primitives
- Remove eta-reductions that cause GHC 9 builds to fail
- Respect chunking from the underlying PutM when writing resulting ByteStrings
- Let runPut and company return the result of the PutM operation
- Add module Data.Binary.IO.Lifted module which contains versions of all functions and types for the use in functors other than IO
- Make all functions and types in Data.Binary.IO aliases of the ones in the Lifted module
- Reduce allocations for Await-Notify pairs
- Add isEmpty function to check if a read source has no more input available
- Enhance newPipe to produce a Reader that detects when its paired Writer went out-of-scope
- Add newPipe function that can create a connected Reader and Writer
- Make Reader more resilient against exceptions that may happen in the provided Get operation
- Add functions to create a Reader, Writer or Duplex without a Handle
- Remove continuation parameter to 'runGet' and 'readWith'
- Inception