title | description | published | date | tags | editor |
tRNAmodviz |
A web server for easy comparative analysis and visualization of modification patterns in individual tRNAs. |
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2020-08-03 17:14:10 UTC |
archaea, bacteria, comparative genomics, pattern recognition, data visualization, eukaryota, trna, webserver, virus |
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A web server for easy comparative analysis and visualization of modification patterns in individual tRNAs. TRNAmodviz facilitates comparative studies of tRNA modifications and identification of peculiarities of individual or any subset of tRNA isoacceptor species among a large pool of available fully sequenced tRNAs. The dataset comprises tRNA sequences present in the MODOMICS database24 which currently contains all sequences available in the tRNAdb25 (some of which were subsequently curated manually) and additional sequences retrieved from literature. {.is-info}
- tRNAmodviz Main Page {.links-list}
- Good, quick tutorial, server easy to use
- Does not appear there is a way to export images
- Useful for visualizing and searching modomics data
- Easy way to understand distribution of modifications/tRNA bases
- Email for feedback/help: [email protected]
- Machnicka, M. A., Olchowik, A., Grosjean, H., & Bujnicki, J. M. (2014). Distribution and frequencies of post-transcriptional modifications in tRNAs. RNA biology, 11(12), 1619-1629. {.grid-list}