Bug Fixes:
- Fixed inconsistency of version numbers in Project.toml and pyproject.toml.
Developer Updates:
- Update pre-commit version and configuration.
- Improved isolation and robustness of Julia environments used when running tests.
Developer Updates:
- Added Aqua.jl checks to unit tests.
- Updated unit tests to fixed failures for Julia v1.12 and greater.
- Fixed permissions bug in PkgEval GitHub Actions workflow.
Developer Updates:
- Fixed PkgEval failures by removing external program calls from unit tests.
- Added PkgEval GitHub Actions workflow.
Developer Updates:
- Updated unit tests.
- Improved robustness of unit tests.
- Added missing calls to
to restore working directory during tests. - Improved readability of
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug in
when symbolic links are present in file paths.
Developer Updates:
- Updated unit tests
- Added use of temporary directories for running
- Added use of temporary directories for running
- Updated pre-commit hooks version.
- Bumped minor version on account of several end-user improvements (since v0.5.6).
Developer Updates:
- Polished code.
- Removed unreachable code.
- Removed unnecessary type annotations.
- Polished docstrings.
- Improved coverage of unit tests.
- Improved error messages when installing CLI.
Bug Fixes:
- Eliminated unbounded proliferation of coverage data files generated within the TestTools
installation when using
Developer Updates:
- Fixed errors when running test suite via
. - Updated unit tests.
- Migrated to use of temporary directories for running tests.
- Simplified path construction logic through code and tests.
- Various other minor updates.
Developer Updates:
- Fixed compatibility syntax in Project.toml.
- Updated CI matrix.
- Re-added testing for Julia 1.6 on Windows.
Developer Updates:
- Updated CI matrix.
- Removed slow and old tests to reduce CI resource requirements.
- Added support for selecting Julia version used by
to run tests.
Developer Updates:
- Updated unit tests to be compatible with Julia 1.11 and nightly build (1.12).
- Updated CI matrix.
- Added "nightly" Julia version.
- Excluded x86 for macOS and Windows.
- Updated Python package dependencies.
Developer Updates:
- Updated unit tests to be compatible with Julia 1.10.
- Updated Julia and Python package dependencies.
Developer Updates:
- Polished package documentation.
- Improved security and robustness of GitHub Action workflows.
- Updated Python package dependencies.
Developer Updates:
- Updated unit tests to be compatible with Julia 1.9.
- Updated CompatHelper GitHub Action workflows.
- Updated Julia and Python package dependencies.
Developer Updates:
- Migrated to use of GitHub Actions for deployment of documentation to GitHub Pages. This update was needed for compatibility with recent changes to GitHub Pages (when symbolic links are present in the site).
- Improved performance of
- Added options for verbose mode and code coverage for
. - Simplified and improved robustness of CLI installer.
Developer Updates:
- Improved consistency of code style with Blue.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug when get_test_statistics() is called with an argument that is not a DefaultTestSet, EnhancedTestSet{DefaultTestSet}, or nothing.
- Improved robustness of testing module.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug when using
in test files.
- Improved robustness of testing module isolation.
- Added test statistic collection to
- Improved formatting of coverage report.
- Added pass/fail return values for
- Add exit codes for CLI tools.
- Added support for Julia v1.8.
Developer Updates:
- Improved Makefile (e.g., added "help" target)
- Added pre-commit hooks.
- Updated unit tests to pass for Julia v1.8.
- Improve robustness of unit tests to source code modifications.
- Reformatted NEWS.md to use same format as TagBot for release notes.
Bug Fixes:
- Added missing NEWS.md entries.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed license type detected by GitHub.
- Fixed copyright notices.
- Moved third-party software license notices to NOTICE file.
- Simplified error message when the test environment has missing dependencies.
- Improved error messages (e.g., when the test environment has missing dependencies).
- Switched to using relative paths when displaying testing status.
- Polished package documentation.
Developer Updates:
- Added GPG configuration for GitHub Actions.
- Fixed bugs in Makefile.
- Added support for using
environment variable to enable fail-fast whenPkg.test()
is used to run tests. - Updated package documentation.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed auto-generation of documentation for tagged versions.
- Added documentation for tagged versions.
- Improved options for jltest API and CLI tool.
- Improved consistency of test results across mechanisms for running tests.
- Improved package documentation.
- Initial release of TestTools.jl package.