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TestTools is a collection of CLI tools and APIs that simplifies code testing, coverage analysis, and style checking for the Julia programming language. Our goal is to make it a joy to do software testing (or at least save effort and keystrokes).

Why TestTools?

  • Easy-to-use (and fast) CLI tools for testing

  • Compatible with Pkg.test()

  • Enhanced test set functionality – diffs for failed comparisons and fail-fast support

  • Noninvasive – introduces no package-level dependencies

Quick Start

  • Start Julia in the default (global) environment.

    • Note. Installation in the default environment makes the CLI tools available from within all projects.
  • Install the TestTools package.

    pkg> add TestTools  # Press ']' to enter the Pkg REPL mode.
  • Install the CLI tools (to ~/.julia/bin).

    julia> using TestTools; TestTools.install()


CLI Utilities


Run unit tests in a single file.

$ jltest test/tests.jl

Run all unit tests contained in a directory.

$ jltest test/

Run unit tests with fail-fast enabled (i.e., halt testing after the first failing test).

$ jltest -x test/tests.jl


Generate a coverage report (after running unit tests while collecting coverage data).

$ julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.test("TestTools"; coverage=true)'  # run unit tests

$ jlcoverage  # generate coverage report
File                                  Lines of Code     Missed   Coverage
src/TestTools.jl                                  0          0        N/A
src/jlcodestyle/cli/cli.jl                       34          0     100.0%
src/pkg.jl                                       42          3      92.9%
TOTAL                                           289          7      97.6%


Run basic code style check (reformatting of source file disabled).

$ jlcodestyle src/TestTools.jl

$ jlcodestyle --verbose src/TestTools.jl
[ Info: Style = BlueStyle
[ Info: Overwrite = false
Formatting src/TestTools.jl

No style errors found.

$ jlcodestyle examples/jlcodestyle/not-blue-style.jl
Style errors found. Files not modified.

Run code style check with reformatting of source file enabled.

$ jlcodestyle --overwrite examples/jlcodestyle/not-blue-style.jl
Style errors found. Files modified to correct errors.


  • TestTools leverages several excellent Julia packages to support its core capabilities.

  • TestTools borrows ideas (and some code) from the following great Julia packages.

    • TestSetExtensions

      • The base code for EnhancedTestSet (which implements diffs for comparisons and progress dots) comes directly from TestsetExtensions.ExtendedTestSet.

      • The run_tests() and find_tests() methods are essentially a re-implementation and refactoring of the TestsetExtensions.@includetests macro as methods.

    • SafeTestsets

      • The strategy for isolating tests came from the SafeTestsets.@safetestset macro.
    • jlpkg

      • The strategy for installing CLI executables came from jlpkg.install().
  • TestTools was inspired by analogous code testing packages in the Python ecosystem: