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VOXELGENERATOR: assert after running animation.lua script #511

mgerhardy opened this issue Sep 5, 2024 · 0 comments

VOXELGENERATOR: assert after running animation.lua script #511

mgerhardy opened this issue Sep 5, 2024 · 0 comments


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ERROR: LUA generate script: [string "--..."]:83: attempt to perform arithmetic on a table value
ERROR: Stack trace (most recent call last):
ERROR: #27   Object "", at 0xffffffffffffffff, in 
ERROR: #26   Object "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/build/voxedit/vengi-voxedit", at 0x55b3fa73a150, in _start
ERROR: #25   Source "../csu/libc-start.c:360", in __libc_start_main_impl
ERROR: #24   Source "../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58", in __libc_start_call_main
ERROR: #23   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/VoxEditMain.cpp:16", in main
ERROR:          13: 	const voxelcollection::CollectionManagerPtr &collectionMgr =
ERROR:          14: 		core::make_shared<voxelcollection::CollectionManager>(filesystem, texturePool);
ERROR:          15: 	VoxEdit app(filesystem, timeProvider, sceneMgr, collectionMgr, texturePool);
ERROR:       >  16: 	return app.startMainLoop(argc, argv);
ERROR:          17: }
ERROR: #22   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/app/App.cpp:204", in startMainLoop
ERROR:         201: 	emscripten_set_main_loop(runFrameEmscripten, 0, 1);
ERROR:         202: #else
ERROR:         203: 	while (AppState::InvalidAppState != _curState) {
ERROR:       > 204: 		onFrame();
ERROR:         205: 	}
ERROR:         206: #endif
ERROR:         207: 	return _exitCode;
ERROR: #21   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/app/App.cpp:372", in onFrame
ERROR:         369: 				core_trace_scoped(AppOnBeforeRunning);
ERROR:         370: 				onBeforeRunning();
ERROR:         371: 			}
ERROR:       > 372: 			const AppState state = onRunning();
ERROR:         373: 			if (_nextState != AppState::Cleanup && _nextState != AppState::Destroy) {
ERROR:         374: 				_nextState = state;
ERROR:         375: 			}
ERROR: #20   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/VoxEdit.cpp:552", in onRunning
ERROR:         549: }
ERROR:         550: 
ERROR:         551: app::AppState VoxEdit::onRunning() {
ERROR:       > 552: 	app::AppState state = Super::onRunning();
ERROR:         553: 	if (state != app::AppState::Running) {
ERROR:         554: 		return state;
ERROR:         555: 	}
ERROR: #19   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/ui/IMGUIApp.cpp:668", in onRunning
ERROR:         665: 	const bool renderUI = _renderUI->boolVal();
ERROR:         666: 	if (renderUI) {
ERROR:         667: 		core_trace_scoped(IMGUIAppOnRenderUI);
ERROR:       > 668: 		onRenderUI();
ERROR:         669: 		if (_showConsole) {
ERROR:         670: 			_console.render(_lastExecutedCommand);
ERROR:         671: 		}
ERROR: #18   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/VoxEdit.cpp:548", in onRenderUI
ERROR:         545: 	if (_sceneMgr->update(_nowSeconds)) {
ERROR:         546: 		_mainWindow->onNewScene();
ERROR:         547: 	}
ERROR:       > 548: 	_mainWindow->update();
ERROR:         549: }
ERROR:         550: 
ERROR:         551: app::AppState VoxEdit::onRunning() {
ERROR: #17   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-ui/MainWindow.cpp:1009", in update
ERROR:        1006: 	ImGui::DockSpace(dockIdMain);
ERROR:        1007: 
ERROR:        1008: 	leftWidget();
ERROR:       >1009: 	mainWidget();
ERROR:        1010: 	rightWidget();
ERROR:        1011: 
ERROR:        1012: 	registerPopups();
ERROR: #16   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-ui/MainWindow.cpp:419", in mainWidget
ERROR:         416: 	}
ERROR:         417: 	command::CommandExecutionListener &listener = _app->commandListener();
ERROR:         418: 	for (size_t i = 0; i < _scenes.size(); ++i) {
ERROR:       > 419: 		_scenes[i]->update(&listener);
ERROR:         420: 	}
ERROR:         422: 	_renderPanel.update(TITLE_RENDER, _sceneMgr->sceneGraph());
ERROR: #15   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-ui/Viewport.cpp:430", in update
ERROR:         427: 	if (ImGui::Begin(name.c_str(), nullptr, sceneWindowFlags)) {
ERROR:         428: 		_visible = true;
ERROR:         429: 		renderMenuBar(listener);
ERROR:       > 430: 		renderViewport();
ERROR:         431: 	}
ERROR:         432: 	ImGui::End();
ERROR: #14   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-ui/Viewport.cpp:229", in renderViewport
ERROR:         226: 	if (setupFrameBuffer(contentSize)) {
ERROR:         227: 		_camera.update(_app->deltaFrameSeconds());
ERROR:         228: 
ERROR:       > 229: 		renderToFrameBuffer();
ERROR:         230: 		renderViewportImage(contentSize);
ERROR:         231: 		const bool modifiedRegion = renderGizmo(camera(), headerSize, contentSize);
ERROR: #13   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-ui/Viewport.cpp:832", in renderToFrameBuffer
ERROR:         829: void Viewport::renderToFrameBuffer() {
ERROR:         830: 	core_trace_scoped(RenderFramebuffer);
ERROR:         831: 	video::clearColor(core::Color::Clear());
ERROR:       > 832: 	_sceneMgr->render(_renderContext, camera());
ERROR:         833: }
ERROR:         834: 
ERROR:         835: } // namespace voxedit
ERROR: #12   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-util/SceneManager.cpp:1566", in render
ERROR:        1564: 	const bool renderScene = (renderMask & RenderScene) != 0u;
ERROR:        1565: 	if (renderScene) {
ERROR:       >1566: 		_sceneRenderer->renderScene(renderContext, camera);
ERROR:        1567: 	}
ERROR:        1568: 	const bool renderUI = (renderMask & RenderUI) != 0u;
ERROR:        1569: 	if (renderUI) {
ERROR: #11   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-util/SceneRenderer.cpp:299", in renderScene
ERROR:         296: 	renderContext.grayInactive = _grayInactive->boolVal();
ERROR:         297: 
ERROR:         298: 	video::ScopedState depthTest(video::State::DepthTest, true);
ERROR:       > 299: 	updateAABBMesh(renderContext.sceneMode, *renderContext.sceneGraph, renderContext.frame);
ERROR:         300: 	updateBoneMesh(renderContext.sceneMode, *renderContext.sceneGraph, renderContext.frame);
ERROR:         301: 	_volumeRenderer.render(renderContext, camera, _renderShadow->boolVal(), false);
ERROR:         302: 	extractVolume(*renderContext.sceneGraph);
ERROR: #10   Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/tools/voxedit/modules/voxedit-util/SceneRenderer.cpp:198", in updateAABBMesh
ERROR:         195: 		const voxel::Region &region = sceneGraph.resolveRegion(node);
ERROR:         196: 		core_assert_msg(region.isValid(), "Region for node %s of type %i is invalid",, (int)node.type());
ERROR:         197: 		const glm::vec3 pivot = node.pivot();
ERROR:       > 198: 		const scenegraph::FrameTransform &transform = sceneGraph.transformForFrame(node, frameIdx);
ERROR:         199: 		const math::OBB<float>& obb = toOBB(true, region, pivot, transform);
ERROR:         200: 		// TODO: make this an aabb and use the transform matrix from the rawvolumerenderer
ERROR:         201: 		_shapeBuilder.obb(obb);
ERROR: #9    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/scenegraph/SceneGraph.cpp:315", in transformForFrame
ERROR:         312: }
ERROR:         313: 
ERROR:         314: FrameTransform SceneGraph::transformForFrame(const SceneGraphNode &node, FrameIndex frameIdx) const {
ERROR:       > 315: 	return transformForFrame(node, _activeAnimation, frameIdx);
ERROR:         316: }
ERROR:         317: 
ERROR:         318: FrameTransform SceneGraph::transformForFrame(const SceneGraphNode &node, const core::String &animation,
ERROR: #8    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/scenegraph/SceneGraph.cpp:328", in transformForFrame
ERROR:         325: 	if (node.parent() == InvalidNodeId) {
ERROR:         326: 		parentTransform.matrix = glm::mat4(1.0f);
ERROR:         327: 	} else {
ERROR:       > 328: 		parentTransform = transformForFrame(this->node(node.parent()), animation, frameIdx);
ERROR:         329: 	}
ERROR:         330: 
ERROR:         331: 	FrameTransform transform;
ERROR: #7    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/scenegraph/SceneGraph.cpp:338", in transformForFrame
ERROR:         335: 		transform.matrix = parentTransform.matrix * kf->transform().localMatrix();
ERROR:         336: 	} else if (node.hasKeyFrameForFrame(frameIdx, &keyFrameIdx)) {
ERROR:         337: 		const SceneGraphKeyFrame *kf = node.keyFrame(keyFrameIdx);
ERROR:       > 338: 		transform.matrix = parentTransform.matrix * kf->transform().localMatrix();
ERROR:         339: 	} else {
ERROR:         340: 		const KeyFrameIndex start = node.previousKeyFrameForFrame(frameIdx);
ERROR:         341: 		const KeyFrameIndex end = node.nextKeyFrameForFrame(frameIdx);
ERROR: #6    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/scenegraph/SceneGraphTransform.cpp:224", in localMatrix
ERROR:         221: }
ERROR:         222: 
ERROR:         223: const glm::mat4x4 &SceneGraphTransform::localMatrix() const {
ERROR:       > 224: 	core_assert_msg((_dirty & DIRTY_LOCALVALUES) == 0u, "dirty flag: %u", _dirty);
ERROR:         225: 	return _localMat;
ERROR:         226: }
ERROR: #5    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/core/Assert.cpp:68", in core_assert_impl_message
ERROR:          65: 	SDL_vsnprintf(buf, bufSize - 1, format, args);
ERROR:          66: 	va_end(args);
ERROR:          67: 	data.condition = buf; /* also let it work for following calls */
ERROR:       >  68: 	const SDL_AssertState state = SDL_ReportAssertion((SDL_AssertData *)&data, function, file, line);
ERROR:          69: 	if (state == SDL_ASSERTION_BREAK) {
ERROR:          70: 		SDL_TriggerBreakpoint();
ERROR:          71: 	}
ERROR: #4    Object "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", at 0x7f5efb4e7e2b, in 
ERROR: #3    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/core/Assert.cpp:28", in coreAssertionHandler
ERROR:          26: static SDL_assert_state coreAssertionHandler(const SDL_assert_data *data, void *userdata) {
ERROR:          27: 	if (data->trigger_count <= 1 && data->always_ignore == 0) {
ERROR:       >  28: 		core_stacktrace();
ERROR:          29: 	}
ERROR:          30: 	const SDL_AssertState state = SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler()(data, userdata);
ERROR:          31: 	if (state == SDL_ASSERTION_RETRY) {
ERROR: #2    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/core/Assert.cpp:113", in core_stacktrace
ERROR:         110: #elif defined(HAVE_BACKWARD)
ERROR:         111: 	std::ostringstream os;
ERROR:         112: 	backward::StackTrace st;
ERROR:       > 113: 	st.load_here(32);
ERROR:         114: 	backward::Printer printer;
ERROR:         115: 	printer.print(st, os);
ERROR:         116: 	std::string str = os.str();
ERROR: #1    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/contrib/libs/backward/backward.h:879", in load_here
ERROR:         876:       return 0;
ERROR:         877:     }
ERROR:         878:     _stacktrace.resize(depth);
ERROR:       > 879:     size_t trace_cnt = details::unwind(callback(*this), depth);
ERROR:         880:     _stacktrace.resize(trace_cnt);
ERROR:         881:     skip_n_firsts(0);
ERROR:         882:     return size();
ERROR: #0    Source "/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/contrib/libs/backward/backward.h:861", in unwind<backward::StackTraceImpl<backward::system_tag::linux_tag>::callback>
ERROR:         859: template <typename F> size_t unwind(F f, size_t depth) {
ERROR:         860:   Unwinder<F> unwinder;
ERROR:       > 861:   return unwinder(f, depth);
ERROR:         862: }
ERROR:         863: 
ERROR:         864: } // namespace details

Assertion failure at localMatrix (/home/mgerhardy/dev/oss/engine/src/modules/scenegraph/SceneGraphTransform.cpp:224), triggered 1 time:
  'dirty flag: 2'

@mgerhardy mgerhardy added the bug label Sep 5, 2024
@mgerhardy mgerhardy removed the bug label Feb 25, 2025
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