- Bug where saving characteristics wasn't working anymore
- Bug where non-admin users could not sort characteristics
- Drilldown will no longer show characteristics with only one option for the result set
- CharacteristicLinkBlocks can now eager-load their values
- Added icons
- Issue with drilldown not properly ensuring exclusivity in relation query
- Issue with some relations not being saved and drilldown not working properly
- Drilldown URL would not return an absolute URL
- Issues with relations not being localized properly
- You can now click on characteristic blocks to jump to the control panel edit screen for that characteristic
- Errors caused by soft-deleting and restoring characteristic elements
- Fixed Drilldown not ignoring deleted characteristics
- Minor style improvements
- Issue where non-admin users could not edit characteristics
- Permissions for each characteristic group
- Refactored element structures such that we rely more on native Craft relations and Block Elements
- Rewrote frontend field input to be more maintainable
- Drilldown should be more performant
- Now requires Craft 3.4
- Start using Vue Admin Table
- Removed characteristic behavior in favor of field
- Improved characteristic field to work more like Matrix fields
- Changed CharacteristicLink to CharacteristicLinkBlock
- Removed respectStructure from drilldown in favor of always respecting the structure
- Characteristics now support multiple propagation methods
- Various improvements to multi-site support
- Erroneous warning about unsaved changes on edit element screens
- Drilldown now respects existing query parameters and paths
- Fixed error when saving drafts
- Fixed error when saving an existing group (#40)
- Initial release