- Join channels on connect
- Identify with Nickserv
- Iterate over an event's properties
- Keep track of channel participants
- Manipulate core configuration
- In-chat Read-Evaluate-Print Loop (REPL)
bind("irc.CONNECT", function(e) {
A more comprehensive example is defined in examples/nickserv-auth.js.
In the example below, a handler is bound to the irc.NOTICE
event. When NickServ notices you,
requesting you identify, it will reply with your password.
function handleNickserv(e) {
if (e.Nick === "NickServ" && e.Message.indexOf("identify") >= 0) {
Irc.Privmsg("NickServ", "IDENTIFY superlongandsecurepassword");
console.log("Identified with Nickserv");
bind("irc.NOTICE", handleNickserv);
When your handler function is invoked, an object (e
in the example) is passed as
the first parameter. This object has different properties depending on the event.
bind("irc.WILDCARD", function(e) {
for (var i in e) {
console.log(i+": "+e[i]);
An example script that keeps track of who is participating in channels the bot is on is defined in examples/channel-names.js.
Check examples/manipulate-config.js for an example that directly manipulates the bot's full configuration via script.
This example shows how to check a user's nickname and hostname to provide a little bit of security around a feature exposed to IRC.
(function() {
var repl = false;
bind("irc.PRIVMSG", function handleChat(e) {
if (e.Nick !== Config.OwnerNick() || e.Host !== Config.OwnerHost()) {
if (e.Message !== "!repl") {
if (repl) {
repl = !repl;
Irc.Privmsg(e.Target, "Javascript REPL " + (repl ? "started" : "ended"));