👋 Hi, I'm web3/solidity/smart contract/blockchain developer,
👀 Constantly looking for new opportunities in web3 era.
fully focusing towards possibilities of future's development in blockchain industry which can be main part of web3 and blockchain world.
âš«became part of crypto and blockchain industry since January 2021.
B.tech - Computer Science Engineering with specialization in Cloud technology and information security.
•Web3 Libraries and Frameworks: web3.js, ethers.js, OpenZeppelin, Mocha and chai test framework
•Web3 Environments and Development tools: Truffle, Hardhat, IPFS, Alchemy, Infura, ganache, remix, pinata, Vs Code
âš«Layer 2 Blockchains: Ethereum, Binance smart chain.
Blockchain Fundamentals: Blockchain, bitcoin, ethereum, smart contract, web3, Defi, NFT, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155.